America x chubby reader requested by smashlynn

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Your pov (somewhere a magical Mc Donald's that was not there a minute ago)

I could have sworn there wasn't a Mc Donald's here where do they come from? Well ill figure that out later right now I should concentrate on seeing America. He's the only one who doesn't comment on my weight. Too bad he wouldn't go for the fluffy girl. Sigh "HAY DUDE is something wrong? DID SOMEONE MAKE FAT JOKE BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT YOUR FLUFFY AND............." While he ranted you ordered a burger then put it in his mouth. "No don't assume stuff I'm fine America let's eat ok." "Shure dude" and there's that smile that makes your heart go boom boom boom. You order your usual meal (I don't know what you would get I usual like big macs).

Normal pov

America already got a seat and was waiting for you, but then you pass by a group of twigs as you pass one yells "HAY COW MAYBE WORLD HUNGER WOULD END IF YOU DIDN'T EAT SO MUCH!" they then start laughing like hyenas. You feel tears for but before they fall the girls or twigs go silent and hear "HAY WHY DON'T YOU LEAVE THE DUDETTE ALONE AT LEAST SHE EATS UNLIKE YOU TWIGS!!!!" next thing you know your being lifted up and brought to a table by???? America!?!?!? "AMERICA PUT ME DOWN IM HEAVY!!!!!" "no you're not dude your light now let's eat ok." You node yes still thinking of what those girls said to you.

Time skip to when you're done eating

America takes you to a park but seems to be distracted by something. "Hay dude" "yes" next thing you know America has you in his arms "I-I I love you ok dude" "But im so fluffy?" "I don't care if anything it makes you better" he then squeezes some fluff "more to cuddle." "I love you too" America then brings you into a passionate kiss "thank you America your my hero." "YOU KNOW IT HAHAHA"

'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''hope you liked Canada is next 😋

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