2p italy x chubby reader part 2 requested by Pablolikesbigd

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Well he was not joking when he said he would be back. Three days later he came back and won't leave me alone. It's a month since and he has come every day trying to get me to be his 'fluffy Bella' as he says. 1p Italy also apologized for leaving me behind because 'he was so scary ve I went to Germany for help ve' his words since the 2p started coming he hasn't been here and Germany said ' if he comes call me for help and remember your training' yeah so he comes to help but 2p Italy isn't hurting me so. Ill admit he kind of is growing on me and he doesn't care that I'm a big girl so I think I'll give him a chance. Knock knock "oh my fluffy Bella I've come to see you!" i go open the door to see him with a box of chocolates. "I've come to take you on a date to an Italian restaurant." Well that's convenient. "Fine" "you may not except that you are mine........ Did you say fine?" He looks at me astonished "Yes I think I should give it a chance." I look away from him as he starts to smirk. "Good come I have a dress for you." "What???"

Time skip to restaurant

Well 2p Romano was interesting. You look down at your dress its (fav color) with (2 fav color) trimming. "Come Bella I have a table reserved." With a smirk he leads me to our table. When the waiter comes he orders something in Italian then he walks away. "Don't worry I ordered for you too." Your food comes and you two talk surprisingly you two have a lot in common.

Time skip after you eat and leave

He walks you to your front door and kisses your hand. "You can keep the dress after all you are my Bella ragazza." "Yes I am" after that you kiss his cheek and go in your house while he smiles like an idiot.

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