IV. The Deal

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I jumped about a foot in the air, retracting my hand at lightning speed while turning to the new voice. The man was tall and well-built with a mess of black curls that hung almost to his shoulder. He had sharp blue eyes and his nose looked like it must have been broken several times. I silently checked his appearance from his dusty boots all the way back up to his face where I realised he was giving me the same check over.

This man screamed danger, a lot like his less follicely endowed friend. I stuttered to try and find words as I stared at the handsome man in front of me. I swallowed thickly before trying to speaking again.

"I'm sorry, I've just never really seen a motorbike this close before, I was intrigued" I spoke quietly, managing to smile slightly.

"Yeah you don't really give off the biker chick vibe" he laughed, I even managed to let out a low laugh before responding, "No I suppose not."

"Erm Jax wanted you to come inside" he said, he had an interesting voice, it was low and almost sensual. I silently chastised myself for coming up with such a ridiculous thought at such an inappropriate time. 

"Oh okay" I nodded as he turned and I followed him into the building.

The interior was exactly what I expected, leather, wood, motorcycle paraphernalia, a pool table and a bar. What really caught my eye was the wall of mugshots. I could see the faces of all the men I'd met so far along with several others I didn't recognise.

"Have a seat" I looked to the voice and saw Jax sitting at a table with the men I recognised as Chibs and the scary bald guy. I shuffled quietly into the seat suddenly very aware of all the sets of eyes on me. There were several men perched on various tables and chairs behind the table which I now occupied with their president. The curly haired man who had brought me in sat on the table directly behind them next to a young Latino man with a Mohawk and tattoos down either side of his head. On the next table was a large man with a bushy beard and wild hair, and another bearded man wearing a black beanie. Next to them was a very large man with long blonde hair and arms that looked like they could suffocate you in a matter of seconds. These men were truly terrifying and for the hundredth time today I was questioning my own sanity.

"We'll give you a gun," I breathed a sigh of relief, "but know this. You get caught with that you don't say where you got it. Understand?" Jax looked at me pointedly as he finished (I appreciated that he had attempted to tone down the threat or at least make it seem more polite on my behalf, I don't imagine this is how the conversation would go with a gangster). I might not be incredibly knowledgeable about the criminal underworld, but I had seen enough films to know what happened to snitch's. I nodded hastily and he seemed happy enough with that as confirmation. He reached behind him and was passed a weapon by the guy in the beanie.

"It's a 32' berretta, small enough to fit in your purse but still has a hell of a kick to it. Holds seven rounds in a magazine and I'm giving you two magazines, that's it" he laid the gun on the table in front of me and I nervously reached a hand forward to pick it up.

"You ever shoot a gun before?" the large man with the wild hair asked me.

"Err does paintball count?"

"No – not really" he laughed.

"Well then no" I tried to laugh.

"You want me to show you?" I looked up to the dark haired man that had led me in here. And I wasn't the only one. A few heads had turned to look at him and the ones that hadn't held confused looks on their faces. At first I thought he was joking, but he was still looking straight at me waiting for my reply. Adding up my options I realised I'd only half thought my plan through – getting a gun was a good first step, but that step would be pointless is I ended up unable to shoot. Really this guy was my only hope, I couldn't exactly walk onto a shooting range with an illegal weapon.

"Would you have time to? It would be just my luck to have a gun pointed at his head only to shoot the wall" I nervously tried to joke.

"You wanna head out now or wait til tomorrow?"

"Now if that's okay. I won't sleep until I know how to use it" I smiled sadly.

"Well grab your shit doll and lets head out" he stood straight up, without a backwards look at his friends, and began to walk out the door. I stood quickly, shocked, but not nearly as shocked as the rest of the group who were looking at him like he'd grown a second head. I quickly, and very very carefully put the gun into my purse (choosing not to question the surprise on the mens faces) and began to walk out before I quickly remembered something.

"How much do you want for this?" I asked nervously, looking at Jax.

"On the house" he smiled. The smile was friendly, so was his tone but this just didn't sit right with me.

"Oh no really I can't take it for nothing. I have money, I've got a few hundred on me but I can get some more if that's not enough" I began pulling notes from my front jeans pocket.

"Seriously," Jax began stopping me, "my old lady got herself a stalker a few years back, I know how hard that shit is to deal with, how scared you must be. I don't wanna make money of your fear". The response sounded genuine, his expression was genuine, but I couldn't get the pre-perceived ideas of criminal dealings that had been imposed on me by modern media out of my head.

"Does this mean I owe you?" I asked nervously. Jax laughed, full on laughed at my question.

"No sweetheart we're good" he laughed, "Now get outta here before he leaves without you".

I waved nervously at the rest of the leather clad men, realising to late that I probably looked like an middle-schooler waving nervously at the popular kids which caused a small blush to form over my cheeks. Quickly I turned and left the building, heading towards where the man now stood leant against his bike, a swirl of cigarette smoke wrapping itself around him before floating away in the wind.

Jax's POV

I watched Anya walk out the door. I actually felt sorry for the girl, there was no way you couldn't, she was sweet, intelligent and so annoyingly polite, she didn't deserve to be harassed to the point of insanity. Maybe I should get Tara to talk to her, give her some advice or something.

"Did that just happen?" Juice asked staring confused after Anya's exit.

"I know man, ain't like to Tigger to jump at the chance to babysit a scared little girl" Bobby added.

"He's probably hoping he can be the one to takethe payment for the gun" Opie laughed. A chorus of laughs followed and itseemed to be enough to abate the rest of the guys, but Bobby was right, thiswasn't the Tig we knew. Tig never did shit like this for anyone, not even if hethought he would get pussy out of it. Pussy just came to Tig and he knew it, hedidn't have to work for it, none of these boys did. Maybe he felt sorry for herlike I did. Maybe he was worried if she fucked up a shot she'd get pulled bythe law and turn us over. Who know, who cares. As long as shit doesn't blowback on usI don't care.

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