III. History

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Tig's POV

"The chick's name is Anya Wilde, she's a nurse up in Lodi" Jax began.

"Fuck! She's a nurse! Could that woman be any fucking hotter!" Juice exclaimed further down the table a goofy grin spread across his face. A chorus of chuckles showed that the boys agreed. I clenched my jaw before giving a tight lipped smile, hoping that the boys hadn't seen the unknown rush of emotion that had hit me as Juice appraised the woman outside.I don't know why it rubbed me the wrong way but it did.

"Yeah, yeah", Jax laughed him off, "She's from way east, New York, moved to Cali less than a year ago for work. All's been well here until last night ............

10 minutes before – the benches at Teller-Morrow

Anya's POV

"Have a seat", he pointed at the unsteady looking tables a few feet from us. I sat quickly and he offered me a cigarette, which I took. I'd taken to smoking as a med student as a way of relieving stress and although I had quit several months ago, if there was ever going to be a time that I could use nicotine, it would be now.

"Thanks" I muttered as I took the lit cigarette from him.

"No problem, so what can I do for you?" he looked at me curiously. I think at this point he had recognised me for the pathetic woman I was and just wanted to hear what I had to say so that he could politely decline to help and ask me to leave.

"Oh err please don't lose it when I ask this. I want to buy a gun" I looked down not daring to look him in the eye.

"Well there's licensed gun stores up and down the state sweetheart take your pick!" he said, walls immediately going up.Fuck! I'm going to die.

"Look Mr Teller, I've been told, how truthfully I don't know, but I've been told that you sell weapons. I need a weapon and I need it tonight you point me to a licensed gun dealer that will hand over a firearm without so much as seeing my ID and I will head there right now" I said looking at him, hoping that the need was clear on my face.

"First off call me Jax, only the law calls me Mr Teller. Secondly, even if I did deal guns what makes you think I would just hand one over to you" he smirked at me. Progress! 

"I know this is unusual," I began, "butdesperate times call for desperate measures. And I've never been moredesperate," I admitted, he looked at me nodding at me to continue.

"Well, err Ilive in Lodi but I'm originally from New York. I left a few years back tobe a med student at Penn U. While I was there I started getting weird letters inthe mail. They were like love letters, sometimes they'd quote Shakespeare, romantic poetry and shit, othertimes it would be lists of all the things this mystery person loved about me.It was beyond weird but I just played it off as a bored student looking to fuckwith me, or someone with a weird crush who would eventually get over it.

A few months after classes began I started dating a guy who was on thelaw course, Will, and next thing I know the letter became angry, they includedpictures of me and Will, but they were pictures of us, they were pictures ofus grocery shopping, sitting in my living room, getting in the car, walkingWill's dog! Just freaky shit!," I realised I was talking with my hand as Idescribed the craziness.

"And then it took a dark turn. The writer startedtelling me that they were going to take me, they wrote me detailed letters ofmy schedule and habits, down to the days I did yoga at home, they told me theyknew when I was alone and they would take me. He included pictures of me and Will in an ........ intimate moment, but Will's face had been scratched off. When I showed it to Willhe insisted that I stayed with him. This didn't help things, the letters goteven angrier, the writer told me that they were going to kill me, that if theycouldn't have me then nobody could. It all got too much for me andWill and we split, I made him leave I didn't want to put him in danger.

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