"He is in his room with his wife and he wishes not to be disturbed," said one of the guards who were guarding the hall.

"This can't wait—Queen Nefertari has been abducted by Hyksos," the other said.

Hearing this, the guards ran into the hall with the others on his heels to alarm Ramesses about the news.

Meanwhile, the pair was sitting on the bed smooching. He began to undo her dress. Suddenly, there was pounding on the door, and the guards were calling his name, but he paid no attention to them. His focus was completely on her. The guards pounded harder and didn't stop.

Neiko pulled away. "It sounds like there's trouble," she said.

"We can't stop now—I've waited six months for this," Ramesses said, kissing her neck, but it had actually been much longer then six months for his wait, and he was going to tell her the truth tomorrow at breakfast.

"But..." Neiko began, but he turned her head and silenced her by a fervent kiss.

However, the pounding and yelling didn't cease.

Finally, in frustration, he stopped. "I cannot do this with all this racket!" Ramesses grumbled, got up, and stormed to the door. He cracked open the door and said, "You had better have a very good reason for this intrusion! If it is not worthwhile, I will personally run you through!"

"Queen Nefertari has been taken by four Hyksos bandits along with Francesco. We weren't able to stop them," one of them said in a nervous whimper.

"Why didn't you say so instead of pounding on my door?" Ramesses said, and then released a long exhale to simmer down and to diffuse his frustration. His guards were loyal and did exactly as he instructed; it just was the worst inconvenience on the most special of nights. Finally, he said, "Never mind. Get me my armor, weapons, and war regalia. Make ready my war chariot. Those four knaves will die for this," he said in clenched teeth and contemplating taking his wrath on them rather than on his guards. "Do you know where they went?" asked Ramesses.

"No," one said while the others did as he commanded.

"Oh no! I'm coming too!" Neiko said, coming from behind. She had overheard everything.

"No, you will stay here because I do not want to lose you too. Remember those slimy dogs tried to take you in battle?" reminded Ramesses.

"Alright," she said sullenly, but he was right. She was nearly taken prisoner a month ago by these people because of a covetous Hyksos prince who met his end at her husband's very hand. "I hope she's all right, but they can do what they want to Francesco," Neiko said with no sympathy for Francesco. "But—you killed that prince, so there should be no fear there!"

"No, he has five more brothers, and one of them could follow in his footsteps," Ramesses argued, shaking his head. "My decision is final—you stay here."

"Your armor and chariot are ready," said one of the guards when he appeared. His appearance interrupted any further argument from Neiko.

Ramesses embraced Neiko tightly and kissed her. "For luck," he said gently, stroking her cheek and left, following after the guard.

* * *

The four renegades rode on the wagon back toward the fortress with Nefertari and Francesco in the back with Sito and Mactalon while Tito and Panthero were in the front.

"You won't get away with this, you filthy jackals because Neiko and Ramesses will fix you!" Nefertari snapped venomously as she wriggled her wrists trying to loosen the rope binding her.

"Geez, calm down, Nefie," Mactalon said.

"How would you pigs know that is the nickname given to me by my friends the Indians?" Nefertari demanded

Sito and Mactalon took off their disguises. "That is because we are the Indians," said Mactalon.

Nefertari shook with delight and in relief that they were alive. "Sito!" she cried, and she kissed him on the mouth; Mactalon's mouth flew open.

Tito and Panthero peeked over their shoulders.

"What's going on back there? Why are you feeling so fuzzy, brother?" Tito asked since his twin telepathy was picking up on something.

"You just missed it. Nefie just gave Sito one humdinger of a smooch," teased Mactalon.

Francesco sneered. "Just wait till I tell Ramesses about this, Nefertari. I've been meaning to get you back, too."

Nefertari's only response was her hitting him in the face with a baseball-like swing. Francesco's eyes rolled back into his head and he flopped down because she knocked him senseless.

"I learned from Neiko," she said, smiling.

"You won't need that," Mactalon said, cutting the rope from her hands with his knife.

"What are you planning?" Nefertari asked as she massaged her wrists.

"We were hoping to use you for ransom to get Neiko away from Ramesses. Everyone else will think we're Hyksos bandits, but you would know it was just us. Once we exchange you for Neiko, we will return to Hawote," said Sito.

"Very interesting, but it will not work. First of all, Ramesses will not exchange Neiko for me, and he will come after you and try to kill you for this and to rescue me. Also, if you make demands, then he may find out you are alive and will try to destroy you once and for all. Second, you can't return to Hawote because he destroyed the crystal," Nefertari said pressing her lips in a line that said "sorry".

Sito chuckled. "Oh, that old thing? That was a piece of green glass we ripped off some old peddler in Thebes. We got the real crystal right here," he said, holding up the real crystal. We've had it ever since we were banished. We pulled the old switcheroo."

On the way to the fortress, Sito shared with her all of their adventures in the desert, and when they arrived, she looked at their new home in amazement. When they got inside, they locked Francesco up, and the five of them had dinner.

"I was wondering more about the story with Neiko after we left," Sito said. "We'd like to hear your account," he said moving his cup of water.

"She was devastated when you were banished, and so was I. The first week or so she went through a dreadful melancholy, and she wouldn't have anything to do with anybody except me. But Ramesses still forced her to be with him, and finally she broke because she felt like you were dead, and he was putting a lot of pressure on her. She thought you would come for her otherwise. She would watch the horizon in hopes to see you riding to her rescue, but you never came. Even still she cries sometimes, mourning you, and because she feels that returning to Hawote is hopeless. What you saw and heard about was because she felt she had to accept her life with him and make the best of it. She knew she had to live in Egypt, and no one could change it. The saddest phrase she ever said was: 'I lost the four of them again, but this time it is for good, and now I'm lost as well'," Nefertari said.

Tito shook his head. "We couldn't have done it any sooner. We have to be prepared for anything, and fighting against Ramesses is and will be very difficult. We have to penetrate the defenses to get to her, and we would have to break out like lightning. We've perfected getting in, but getting out is the problem. Nefie, we need your help on this one."

"Well, I know just the thing. You could go in dressed like female servants, and I will accept you as my maidservants. Senu will bring you. I will return to the palace to settle things. I will stay with you at his house to make sure the plan is set, and I will pave the way for you. Take an extra disguise to sneak Neiko out," Nefertari added.

Mactalon nodded. "It may just work, and I doubt Ramesses would expect this."

"Yes. Sito, I have something I want to ask of you. Will you take me back to Hawote with you?" Nefertari asked with her brown eyes pleading him.

They all looked at her, startled.    

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