Chapter 12

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Tito went through the crowd trying to find Senu. He pushed by the dancers, musicians, jugglers and groups of people talking and the game table. Senu had been close by the feasting table most of the evening. He wasn't hard to miss because he was always surrounded by people since he was an excellent host and handled a group well. He was always well known for throwing the best parties and having the best of everything including entertainment. Egypt's elite always felt at home at Senu's including Pharaoh. Senu's house was one of the few homes he felt comfortable in besides his own. Not even protocol kept Pharaoh away from Senu's house when he wanted to come.

Tito located Senu among a crowd of the wealthy still by the feasting table and talking with Ramesses. Tito swallowed hard and went forward anyway. "Senu, I need to speak with you right now," Tito said while turning slightly away from the king in order to avoid his eye.

Senu looked at him with raised eyebrows and at full attention. "About what?"

Tito sighed in agitation. "About my sister—it's urgent," he said, motioning for him to come with him alone.

"All right, Thutmose," Senu said with a nod to Tito. "Excuse me, my king," Senu said with a slight bow to the pharaoh.

Ramesses nodded with a good-natured smile. "Do hurry back, Senu."

Senu nodded as he went with Tito to a secluded corner away from all the other guests. "What is it? Did she find the man? Is he here?" asked Senu frantically as his eyes darted among the crowd.

"Yes, and you were just talking to him," said Tito.

Senu's eyes widened and his hands went to his head in a panic. He began to pace the floor. "Amon-Re, Anubis! I cannot help her if she gets into trouble—you have to prevent anything that may cause a problem—is she all right?" he rambled in panic and shock. "I am now in peril! If something happens, I could be ruined or worse!"

Tito grabbed him to stop him from making a scene. "Stop that before somebody sees you! Yes, she's fine. The others already know. What else shall I do?" asked Tito.

"You mustn't let her anywhere near Pharaoh—just in case. He may recognize her by the looks of things," whispered Senu urgently.

"Why is he here?" asked Tito with a shrug.

"He is one of my invited guests to the party, but I thought he was too busy to come. He is a frequent visitor to my home when I have parties because I am the second richest man in Thebes to himself and because we are friends. I am just as surprised as you are that he is here. He has been talking about Neiko all evening—that is what he was talking about when you came. He remembers every detail of that day distinctly as well as every detail of her and the way she was painted, everything. He has stayed up for days waiting for her arrival or any news at all. He says he will not rest until he finds her. Seeing her fighting skill, her inner and outer strength, and fearlessness mesmerized him—although I feel he is not saying everything. That wasn't all he saw that day. It seems like he knows her somehow. Women like her are extremely rare. He wants to take her in and decide what to do with her. I'm glad he doesn't know of her beauty that goes with her strength and fighting ability. This is a grave situation, and you must warn Neiko. If he were to find her here and uncover her identity, then I believe he will want her for his wife—maybe even his Great Wife," he said.

Tito put his hand over his mouth to hide his gasp and sighed in agitation because the "Great Wife" was a really big deal. Tito then rubbed his temples to relieve the tension. "Right," he said as he looked in the direction where he told Neiko to stay, but she wasn't there. "I told her not to move from that spot! I have to find her because she could be in a fix! Men have been after her all evening!" Tito said frantically as he pulled at his head cloth as he searched the crowd for any sign of Neiko.

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