From: Teddy🍒
What do you expect, that I'm some sort of bag of bones that
you can kiss whenever you please? I for one have morals.

From: Sebastian🌹
You're actually very funny it's cute. Teddy I don't see you just like a piece of meat. I have been very busy and I can't keep up my romantic randevous with you all the time.

From: Teddy🍒
You could always text me a hey. You know what I'm just gonna leave this all alone and cry with my mom. You're just a busy loser who doesn't deserve me.

I huff out, I was acting like a baby. And I wanted the guy to suffer although his charm was nearly getting to me I was over it. Besides what the hell would some 24 year old man want with me?

Sex— my mind creeped in. Like no shit Sherlock, I was the definition of stupidity. The man was gorgeous for crying out loud yet this was just another case of trouble. And I was afraid of opening the shaken soda can.

From: Sebastian🌹
How about I make it up to you?

From: Teddy🍒
I'm not some little kid, that you can just make it up to me.

From: Sebastian 🌹
On Friday, I'll be free and well have a date. 💓

From: Teddy🍒
This so called date, you see I was never asked. 😧

I grew a smirk and headed up stairs, he'd have to ask me soon or I would reject and maybe shed tears. Bouncing onto my bed I stared at the celeing. I grew tired and I waited for a buzz.

Then next thing you know my phone was ringing. I immediately answer like a moth to a light.

"Aren't you eager?" He askes with a smile.

"Shut up, I'm just waiting for a stupendous question?"

"What's your favorite thing to do in the world?"

"To look at master pieces, and make out."

"I have the perfect date in mind." He chuckles

"We'll that would make a girl very happy." I bite my lip growing more nervous.

"Ms. Torres would you care to share a lovely evening with me?"

"Why? Doctor, I'd love to go out and share a lovely evening with you." I say and he chuckles

"Well my dear its a date, I'll pick you up at your place."

        I giggled and grew excited, yet right now I needed to find out his intentions. Sebastian Grey— you're just one hell of man.


"Hey loser" Manny greets me and it was lunch once again. I just wanted Friday to be here yet it was tragifc thursday and Rumors were spreading that Darren Roberts was going to have grand party.

"Hey Manny."

"So what are you're boring plans for this Friday?" He asked while I made a face at my food.

"I'm just gonna stay and home you know watch TV." I lied through my teeth.

I for one had plans!

STYLE (DISCONTINUED, REWRITTEN VERSION COMING SOON)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora