"Ouch! Neiko, calm down. Get a hold of yourself! We will try to come in, I promise. I need blood in my hand or it will rot and fall off," Tito teased.

Neiko slapped his shoulder playfully. "Tito, that's not funny—" she started to say, but Ramesses was in the door, and she darted behind Tito again.

Tito looked at Ramesses and laughed nervously. "She doesn't want to come alone. May the rest of us accompany her? We will not cause any trouble, I promise. Er, she also can't communicate with you."

Ramesses scowled at him. "No, I am not going to deal with you, your brother, and your friends and let you hamper my plans or stand in my way. Tell her it is time. She is no longer your concern. I am aware she cannot speak our language. In that case there may be a delay in me sending you your brother."

Tito gritted his teeth, trying to stifle his anger at Ramesses' harsh and uncaring remarks. He took Neiko by the shoulders and looked her in the eyes. "Neiko, it's time, and he won't allow us to come with you. You will have to handle this on your own in the meantime. Don't fear him—just think of him as Bloodhawk who is down to our size. It is in everyone's best interest if you leave with him. Now go," Tito said painfully, trying to stop his tears.

As they were talking, Senu and Ramesses said a few words to each other. The servants gave Senu his reward for his obedience, which were chests full of gold and jewels. Senu tried to be grateful but a twitching in his jaw and a crease in his brow showed he was not genuinely happy about the lavish reward. After that, Pharaoh motioned for Neiko to come to him.

Neiko nodded sadly to her friend, threw her arms around Tito, and held on. She was trying to delay leaving as long as she could. "I'm gonna miss you," she said, letting go and hugging the others as Ramesses fidgeted impatiently.

Neiko sighed and walked to him. He took her hand and started to leave. Neiko looked back at her friends, and she saw Tito bowing his head in dread. Mactalon and Panthero stood there completely helpless. Neiko pursed her lips, turned around, and looked forward as they walked to Pharaoh's chariot. Neiko climbed on first, and Pharaoh came on behind her. Seconds later he cracked the whip, and he and the escort left for the palace.

As they continued their journey to the palace, Neiko neither spoke to Ramesses nor looked at him. Her fear had turned to anger and disdain. Treat him like Bloodhawk, popped into her mind in Tito's voice. Oh yeah, I can do that! she thought in her own voice.

The palace was secluded from the common area of the city, and it was majestic. Neiko took in the grandeur to get her mind off of her situation. On the way in there were small sphinxes—mostly of Ramesses or his father—on either side of the walkway. She looked at the carvings, paintings, and hieroglyphs that were ever present. It was also decorated with statues of the gods, along with many statues of Ramesses.

They went inside and the place was spectacular. "Wow!" she said, looking around at the brilliantly painted walls and rich decorations. Dogs, cats, and peafowl lay all around, and servants bustled everywhere. She took in every detail, and she didn't notice him watching her as she checked his home out. She looked at all the people, hoping to find Sito. She saw a man reading a papyrus. He was dressed in Egyptian clothes, but Neiko recognized him.

"Sito?" Neiko asked.

Hearing his name, Sito looked up from his papyrus and looked at her. "Neiko? Is it really you?"

Neiko ran to him and threw her arms around him. "Oh, I'm so glad to see you. You're alive! We have a lot of catching up to do. I have more good news, Tito, Panthero, and Mactalon are here too, and they are staying with Senu."

Sito quivered with excitement. "Oh, that is great news! Where have they been, and how long have you been in Egypt?"

"They spent half a year trying to find you, and they have served Kenes for ten and a half years. I've been in Egypt for only two weeks, and I'm already in and been in trouble," Neiko said, pointing her thumb at Ramesses nonchalantly.

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