"Who?" asked a voice from his left. "Who is lost?"

Tito turned to his left to the speaker and was face to face with Pharaoh himself. "My sister—I seem to have misplaced her," he said nervously as he avoided eye contact with the king and fidgeted. Tito had to ignore his impulse to bolt.

"I do not know you. Are you new to Thebes?" Ramesses asked, cocking his head and looking at him with a grilling stare.

Tito began to sweat. "Er—yes, my sister and I do not get out much ever since our parents died. Sat-Hathor cannot speak or hear, so she gets into trouble from time to time," Tito fibbed trying to create a believable sob story so Pharaoh wouldn't ask too many questions.

"I am sorry to hear that." Ramesses scanned Tito's features from one angle then another. "Have we met?" Ramesses asked, looking at him with recognition. "It seems like we could have met somewhere—in some ways you remind me of a servant of my house: Sito," he said with a frown as he rubbed his beard in intense thought. He spoke Sito's name with a twinge of hate.

"No. You must be mistaken. I don't even know whom you speak of," Tito lied. Ramesses could never know that Sito was his twin brother or they would be busted. Great Spirit knew what would happen next. "Now, if you would please excuse my abrupt leave, I have to go find my sister—please excuse me," Tito said thinking fast and trying to get away. He remembered to bow to the king during his exit.

Ramesses put his fists on his hips in a dominant stance. "I want to meet your sister. When you find her, bring her to me," said Ramesses. "She seems to be the one woman I haven't seen," he said with a small grin.

"I'm very sorry, but that isn't possible—please forgive us. She cannot speak or hear, and she is terrified of strangers. We live an isolated life, and the only person she knows besides me is Senu. She is also petrified of pharaohs—she also has very crude manners unfit for your attention," Tito said trying to keep his composure and come up with something to deter the king's curiosity.

Ramesses folded his arms and looked at him with an aggravated stare. "Do as I command. Let me see her. Why do you hide her from me, Thutmose? I will not harm her. I will only take a few moments of her time. Now go," he snapped, waving his hand.

Tito sighed with relief and walked away and wiping the sweat of fear from his brow. "Oh boy. I have to do it so I don't arouse his suspicions—he already knows something's up," he sighed and looked around for Neiko. He then saw Sut escorting her around, and Neiko was trying to get away from him. Tito stormed up and pushed Sut away from her. "Didn't I tell you to keep your hands off of my sister?" asked Tito angrily.

"I don't have to listen to you—you are not my king," Sut snapped as he thrust his finger at Tito. "It is not good form to keep her sheltered all her life," Sut retorted.

"I don't care, and that's none of your business! She is the most prized possession I have because my parents are dead, and she is in no shape to go and meet strangers! Don't you tell me how I should and shouldn't care for my sister. Find another woman and leave her in peace. We will be on our way. Come, Sat-Hathor," said Tito as he put his arm around her.

Sut grabbed her arm and pulled her away from Tito. "You will go in peace, Thutmose! She will remain with me the rest of the evening—"

Tito socked Sut in the nose and jerked Neiko from him. "No! She won't be with you or any other man here! Lay another hand on my sister again, and I'll cut it off!" Tito said in hushed whispered that carried through the crowd as he straightened his back and poked out his chest.

Sut pinched his nose to stop the bleeding as he backed away. "This is far from over, Thutmose! You will pay for this," he snapped and stormed away.

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