Alex laughs. "I don't understand why you are apologizing. You should definitely be the first to sign up for my club. I loved listening to your review and I totally agree with what you said. I have the ability to see things both ways," he smiles looking very proud of himself.

I shake my head and throw one of his pillows at him.

"So what made you a Will?" He asks me softly as he lays down the pillow he so easily caught.

I shake my head again and give him a small smile. "A lot of things can change a person."

I know he wants to know more by the way he looks at me and I know that I cannot give him the answers he needs from me so I divert the conversation from myself.

"Tell me about you." I say.

"Well what would you like to know Miss Wayward?" He asks me flirtatiously and I suspect to make me feel at ease because I am sure he realises I do not want to talk about myself.

"You are cute," I tell him with a smile.

"That doesn't answer my question," he throws back cockily.

I roll my eyes and I find myself sticking my tongue out at him but it doesn't feel weird.


"We are going to need some popcorn for this," he says as he gets up from the bed and heads for the kitchen.

Two hours later I am laughing my guts out at Alex's story about his twin sisters' birth.

"It's funny now but at that time I thought my dad was going to sell my car to get his money back. And in hindsight it was such a stupid move. I mean I probably ordered a hundred mega pizzas in total but the people sure did appreciate." He says shaking his head.

"If I was your dad I definitely would have sold your car," I remark.

"Well thank heavens you aren't." He sighs with fake relief.

"What do your parents do if you don't mind my asking?" I dare to ask.

"My mother is a Pharmacist and my father is a surgeon. They are business partners and they own the Carnegie hospitals and pharmacies."

"Are you for real?" I exclaim quite shocked. "You are Alexander Carnegie?" I ask him.

He gives me an amused look then laughs.

"Well yeah. Have you heard of my family?"

I almost call him crazy when I notice he is just teasing me. Of course I have heard of them, who hasn't? His parents own about 70 percent of hospitals and pharmacies in this damn country. They are one of Wayward Pharmaceuticals biggest clients.

"That is quite a revelation." I say to him shock still evident in my voice.

"Well I just have the name, not the money." He says to me with a laugh.

"Yeah right." I say rolling my eyes.

He shakes his head and chuckles.

"So is that how you get girls?" I ask him seriously. I really want to know.

"It's usually the looks," he gestures to himself, "but with some girls who have heard of me I guess it makes things easier." He laughs.

"I knew it!" I exclaim.

"What? Is that how you get all your one night stands?" He asks me.

"It's usually the looks," I quote him, "but with some guys who have heard of me I guess it makes things easier." We both laugh.

"So who are you Miss Wayward?" He asks me seriously.

"I am a very rich girl." I say with a smirk.

"Tell me about your family." He asks and I feel myself withdrawing. Shaking off the feeling I decide to tell him some things about myself.

"I have a grandmother who lives in Harshey. She is my mother's mother. My grandfather, her husband, passed away four years ago and he left me A LOT of money, which is how I own such a huge house. My paternal grandparents both passed away and they left me A LOT of money too. I don't really know what to do with it but you know it makes me happy knowing that even though I don't have a lot when it comes to people I have a lot when it comes to material things." I say and in a weird way I feel so much better admitting that I love having money. I don't catch what he says back to me because I am lost in my thoughts.

"Kris?" I hear him say my name.

I look at him questioningly.

"Tell me what you are thinking," he says softly. Something about the way he asks and the way he is looking at me makes me trust my feelings with him.

"I mean with everyone I am acquainted with, they know I am not just rich but very rich. I host parties where anyone is invited and everything is free. I pay for some events, even some I don't end up attending and if we happen to be together somewhere I pay for whatever service we are offered and no one bats an eye. It is pretty much the standard procedure with my friends and I don't really mind. But it just feels so nice to have someone ask me if I want to watch a movie with them and make me coffee AND popcorn. Three weeks you even bought me dinner. It's different and it feels nice. Thank you," I say as I look at him with a smile.

"The pleasure is all mine. You are a bit fun," he tells me as he smiles back. "You have slept in my bed before so I am sure it will not be awkward. It is past midnight so forget about driving home," he tells me before I can protest.

He gets up from the bed and heads for his closet. When he comes out he hands me a shirt.

"Thanks," I say to him as I take it.

"There are some unused toothbrushes in my bathroom," he informs me.

After I have brushed my teeth I settle into his bed and I quickly fall asleep with a smile on my face a few minutes after Alex wishes me a goodnight.

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