Holly wakes up

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Jason: I look up at the doctor/ nurse what's happened?

Doctor/ nurse: Mr Roscoe your Wife's a lot stronger then we thought she's just started to wake up

Jason: what, she's awake

Doctor/ nurse: yeah she is

Jason: can I go in and see her

Doctor/ nurse: of course

Jason: I stand up making my way into Holly's room opening the door and seeing Holly in bed, Holl

Holly: my mind is dazed I turn my head to see Jason, Jase

Jason: I walk over to Holly's bed talking a seat and placing my hand in hers, Holl you don't understand how much I've missed you

Holly: I smile, how long have I been asleep for

Jason: 3 months

Holly: what, that long

Jason: yeah, Holl I thought you were going to leave me

Holly: I smile sadly, Jase will you come and cuddle me on the bed please

Jason: yeah of course I will, getting up off the chair and climbing onto the bed pulling Holly close to me, I love you Mrs Roscoe

Holly: I was confused why would he call me Mrs Roscoe, I pull my head up from Jason's chest Mrs Roscoe

Jason: yeah Holl, we got married

Holly: I pull a confused face, what do you mean we got married were boyfriend and girlfriend aren't we?

Jason: my heart sinks, climbing off the bed I'm just going to go and see Lindsey and Joe

Holly: I smile and nod my head, after Jason has gone I try and think back but nothing comes I thought me and Jason were just boyfriend and girlfriend but we were married and I couldn't even remember, Jason, Joe and Lindsey entered the room again and they asked me questions

Lindsey: Holl, what date is it today?

Holly: it's the 19th July 2016

Lindsey: I nod my head, do you know you and Jason are married and have a girl and a boy called Esmay and Elijah

Holly: what, I'm married and have children

Lindsey: yeah, don't you remember

Holly: I shake my head no

Jason: I look at Lindsey worried, me, Lindsey's me Joe walk outside, Lindsey what's wrong

Lindsey: it seems that as Holly has been in a coma she's got some memory loss

Jason: is it long term

Lindsey: I don't know Jase, maybe next time you come in bring her some photos of your wedding day and Esmay and Elijah and it might help her to remember

Jason: I nod my head, her memory will come back though

Lindsey: I can't really tell you that

Jason: Lindsey I'm family and she's my wife will her memory come back

Lindsey: there's a chance that it might not come back but a lot of cases patients get there memory back

Jason: do you think I should go and get Esmay and Elijah

Lindsey: yeah of course, it might help her to remember

The twins and Jase visit Holly

Jason: thanks Joe for picking them up I take Esmay and Elijah in my arms pushing the door opening, Holl

Holly: I turn my head to see Jason he's holding 2 babies, Jase

Jason: this is Esmay and Elijah our twins taking a seat next to Holly's bedside

Holly: I look at Jason and the twins there beautiful

Jason: I smile aren't they just, they look like you

Holly: I smile yeah they do

Jason: do you want to hold the twins

Holly: I smile yeah

Jason: I place the twins in Holly's arms gently making sure there heads are supported, this is a sight I've wanted to see for 3 months

Holly: I smile looking done at Esmay and Elijah stroking there tummies and foreheads, Jase

Jason: yeah Holl

Holly: what happened, why was I in a coma for 6 months

Jason: you went into early labor after you told me what happened with Robbie you had the babies perfectly fine but then after the birth you continued to lose a lot of blood and nobody realised

Holly: I look down at the twins again, how old are they

Jason: 3 months

Holly: I smile, tell me about our wedding

Jason: I smile I brought some pictures in but I'll show them next time I'm In

Holly: okay, Jase will you come and get back on the end

Jason: yeah of course climbing onto the bed Holly wrapped in my arms with Esmay and Elijah wrapped in our arms having a family cuddle after 3 months, I love you so much Holl and I've missed you so much never leave me

Holly: I look up at Jason I love you to and don't worry I'll never leave you, can I just ask something though

Jason: yeah go of course Holl

Holly: in the future I want many more children I smile

Jason: I smile and we will have many more beautiful children

Holly: I smile

Jason: your so gorgeous

Holly: I blush, Jase

Jason: it's true if I would have never seen them beautiful ocean blue eyes, your soft blonde locks your beautiful smile that lights up the whole world I can't imagine my life without you let alone a world

Holly: tears stream down my eyes, I know and I feel the same way resting my head against Jason's I'm sorry for worrying you

Jason: I smile, I'm just so happy you here we can be a perfect family with many more children in the future

Holly: you always knew I loved a lie in I laugh and yeah I would love many more children with you, I want to spend the rest of our years together till we're old and grey, I love you

Jason: I love you to, leaning down and kissing Holly passionately leaning my forehead Against her's gazing into her eyes I knew that me and Holly would grow old together with many more children and I knew now she was awake that we would be the perfect family

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