Never leaving Holly's side

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Jason: I hear machines going off, Holl I scream please don't do this before I can say anything else I'm being dragged away by Joe my eldest brother and before I know it I'm back in the waiting room waiting for news on my wife

Joe: I look at Jason, Jase she will be okay

Jason: I look at Joe I really hope she will be

Joe: I walk over and take a seat next to Jason, and when she does pull through you, Holly and the twins can make loads of happy memories together

Jason: I look at Joe, thanks Joe

Joe: no problem Jase, that's what I'm here for pulling Jason in for a tight hug don't worry Jase you, Holly and the twins will be home together living your lives

Jason: tears are streaming down my face I really hope your right, I hear Holly's hospital room door open and Lindsey walks out Lindsey what's wrong

Lindsey: I look at Jason we managed to stabilise her

Jason: do you have any idea when she will wake up?

Lindsey: I shake my head I'm sorry Jase

Jason: but she will be okay

Lindsey: I can't really say Jason it's but before I can finish Jason speaks over me

Jason: what do you mean you can't say if she is going to be okay, she only lost blood didn't she

Lindsey: yeah she only lost blood but Jase it wasn't just a little bit of blood it was a lot

Jason: I look at Lindsey tears streaming down my face

Lindsey: I'm sorry I really am but we have no idea when Holly will wake up it could be in a couple of days, weeks, months, years we just don't know

Jason: what, Holly could be asleep for all that time

Lindsey: I nod my head, yeah

Jason: but if she doesn't wake up for that long Elijah and Esmay are not going to have a mum

Lindsey: I know and I'm so sorry

Jason: what happens if Holly doesn't wake up

Lindsey: we will try and bring her out of the coma ourselves

Jason: I nod my head when would you do that

Lindsey: when she's been asleep for awhile

Jason: once again tears stream down my face are you saying that Esmay and Elijah have to have no mum until you all decide that she's been in a coma for to long

Lindsey: I nod my head, yeah

Jason: how am I supposed to look after Elijah and Esmay

Lindsey: Jase me and Joe will help you out, won't we Joe?

Joe: yeah of course

Jason: I appreciate that but me and Holly were suss-posed to bring them up like after they spent an couple of day's in hospital we would take the little one's home and we would get up in the middle of the night at a ridiculous hour and Holly would breastfeed them for the first time, and we were suss-posed to change there dirty nappy's for the first time

Lindsey: tears stream down my eyes I know Jase

Jason: my wife is in a coma and I have to little one's to look after, I can't do this without Holly

Lindsey: I know Jase and I know it's hard but everything will be okay I promise

Jason: I look at Lindsey and Joe I'm just gonna go and see Esmay and Elijah and bring them to see there mummy

Lindsey: okay, we'll wait out here until you come back

Jason: okay, I walk down the corridor and I see Esmay and Elijah in there cribs I walk over to them gently lifting them both in my arms and walking out and back to Holly's room I see Joe and Lindsey please could you open that door for me

Lindsey: yeah of course I open the door for Jason and I watch him walk in do you want me and Joe to come in with you?

Jason: I'm okay thanks you just wait out here

Lindsey: okay, I shut the door and like I had done previously I snuggled in closer to Joe's chest his arm wrapping around my back instantly

Jason: I take a seat Elijah and Esmay lay in my arms, Holl I brought Elijah and Esmay to see you, Holl if you can hear me please don't give up we all need you don't we I look down at the 2 sleeping babies so please wake up soon because we need make our memories together and we've just had 2 beautiful children and they need you Holl we all can't live without you, your my wife, my soulmate, my rock I need you in my life I can't imagine my life without you let alone the world never seeing you again would kill me, I cradle Esmay and Elijah in my arms and I place my hand in Holly's still hands, I need to see your beautiful blue eyes staring into mine, I need to kiss your lips, I need to embrace you, I need you to wake up please Holl tears fall down my face holding Holly's hand tightly, you can't leave us not yet your gorgeous and I can't wait to build our family even bigger, Holl stay please

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