Holly tells Jason there baby is dead

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Holly: it was early the next morning and I lay awake in bed starring at the ceiling I placed my hands on my stomach where my baby boy once was tears streamed down my face I hear my door open and I turned my head to see Lindsey

Lindsey: morning Holl I say

Holly: morning Linds I say

Lindsey: How are you feeling today I say

Holly: I feel like it's my fault that my baby died I say

Lindsey: I move closer to Holly and I take a seat you listen to me I say it's not your fault your baby died I say it was whoever ran you over I say

Holly: I look at Lindsey, but I was suss posed to protect me baby I say

Lindsey: you couldn't have done in this situation don't blame yourself I say

Holly: thanks Lindsey I say

Lindsey: I rang Jason I say

Holly: is he okay, when is he coming back I say

Lindsey: he's not good I say, he's coming home today I say

Holly: I look down, I can't tell him I say

Lindsey: I know it's going to be hard but you'll both get through it together your the 2 strongest people I know and you both will get through this I say

Holly: but this might send him over the edge I say

Lindsey: and if it does me, you and all his brothers will be there to help him

Holly: thank you Lindsey I say

Lindsey: no problem, I'll go and see if he's here I say

Holly: okay I say

Lindsey: I walk out of Holly's room and I walk to the receptionist I look around and that's when I see him he's on his chair, I hadn't told Jason anything as to why he had to meet me here but I would leave Holly to tell him, Jase I say

Jason: I look up, hey Lindsey I say

Lindsey: how are you I say

Jason: I look at Lindsey I just needed some time away where Ziggy loved to remind me off him, i don't think I could cope with anymore bad news I say

Lindsey: I look at Jason sadly, and now holly had to tell him that there baby boy had died because holly had been run over

Jason: Lindsey I say

Lindsey: yeah

Jason: why did you ask to meet me here I say

Lindsey: because Holly's here I say

Jason: WHAT, is she okay I say

Lindsey: I'll take you to her now I say, I take Jason and I walk him to Holly's room we arrive I'll leave you to it I say

Jason: I walk into the room to see Holly, I'm
So sorry I say

Holly: what are you sorry for I say

Jason: because I left you I say I didn't want to I just wanted a couple of days away to a place where Ziggy loved

Holly: hey Jase I say it's okay I understand

Jason: thank you I say

Holly: what for

Jason: for being so understanding

Holly: I smile

Jason: what happened I say

Holly: I look down sadly

Jason: Holl I say

Holly: I was run over I say

Jason: what I say

Holly: I have no idea who it was but the car it went into my stomach I say

Jason: what I say, is the baby okay I say

Holly: I look down sadly, sobbing my heart out

Jason: Holl I say

Holly: I look back up at Jason and I take hold of his hands, because the car hit into my stomach the baby didn't survive it I say

Jason: that very moment just like when Ziggy had died my whole world shut down, I look at holly are you okay I say

Holly: I look at Jason it's my fault are baby is dead I say

Jason: don't you dare say that I say

Holly: I should have protected our baby better I say

Jason: where's the baby now I say

Holly: he's in the room ready for you to say goodbye I say

Jason: it was a boy I say

Holly: yeah I smile

Jason: I look at Holly, will you come with me o say

Holly: I smile of course I will, I climb out of the hospital bed and I take hold of Jason's band and we walk to the room where our baby lies in his mosses basket

Jason: I see mine and Holly's baby boy Lying in his mosses basket me and Holly walk closer and closer I let go of Holly's hand and my arms go around the soft blanket that my son is wrapped in I lift him into my arms cradling him close to my chest, what's his name I say

Holly: Leo Roscoe I say

Jason: I smile just liked we talked about I say

Holly: yeah

Jason: I look down at Leo Roscoe he was beautiful I say

Holly: yeah he really was

Jason: I hold him closer to my chest, daddy will never forget you and he'll always love you I kiss his forehead rest in piece little man I say, I cuddle him close one last time and I place him down once again in the mosses basket I wrap the blanket around him once again so he doesn't get Cold and the brown teddy bear I placed cuddled by his side, I step back and i wrap my arm around Holly's waist I pull her closer into my side and I kiss her forehead I'm so sorry I wasn't there I say

Holly: I smile at Jason it's okay honestly I say, I love you Mr Roscoe I say

Jason: I love you to Mrs Roscoe

Holly: I cuddle in closer to Jason's side and I lean my head against Jason's shoulder, I love you so much Leo Roscoe and me and daddy will never forget you, i take hold of Jason's hand and we walk back closer to the mosses basket I stroke the blue blanket that Leo lays in and I kiss his forehead rest in Pieces little man I say and i sob my heart out

Jason: my grip tightens on Holly's hand and tears fall down my face I pull holly in for a tight embrace, i'll never leave you again I promise I say I'm going to take care of you I say

Holly: I look at Jason I know you will I say I place my hands on his cheeks and I lean in to kiss him softly it's a very sloppery kiss as tears are rolling down our face

Jason: I pull away from the kiss and I lean my forehead against Holly's and I lift my hand to caress Holly's cheek I won't let anything else bad happen again I say I promise it's not your fault that Leo died I say it's whoever ran you over, and whoever it was they are going to pay, I pull Holly back in for a tight embrace and we stay like that for what seems forever

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