Holly's blackmailed

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Holly: standing there was my best friend Cleo; Cleo what are you doing here

Cleo: well I need 1000 pounds and I know what you did

Holly: why are you doing this were best friends I've been good to you

Cleo: yeah you have, have you got my money

Holly: I couldn't get any

Cleo: right so your gonna do something else for me

Holly: yeah anything

Cleo: you end it with your husband you say you can't forgive yourself for what you did to him and that he deserves someone better

Holly: I can't do that I love him and I've only just got him back

Cleo: well you get me my money

Holly: you know I don't have that kind of money

Cleo: then you do what I say you end it with your husband and you tell him you can't forgive yourself and that he deserves better

Holly: okay I will

Cleo: and if you say I've been blackmailing you to anyone everyone will find out what you did

Holly: I was so scared okay I'll do it

Cleo: go on then go break up with your husband

Holly: okay I say, I walk to the Roscoes and I knock on the door and Joe answers

Joe: hey Jason's upstairs

Holly: okay I'll go up now, I walk up the stairs and into Jason's bedroom

Jason: hey babe

Holly: hey

Jason: what's up

Holly: we need to talk

Jason: what about

Holly: I can't be with you

Jason: what do you mean, yesterday you said you wanted to be with me

Holly: I meant every word

Jason: so why can't you be with me

Holly: because I can't forget what I did to you

Jason: I've forgiven you for that

Holly: yeah I know that but I haven't every time I look at you I see what I did

Jason: that's why you didn't come back to the flat this morning

Holly: you deserve someone so much better then me

Jason: but I don't want anyone better then you

Holly: please find someone better then me

Jason: I look down and look at Holly I really thought we could work this out

Holly: so did I and I sob and I embrace him for the last time I'll always love you

Jason: I'll always love you to and I pull out of the embrace and I watch Holly walk away

Holly: I walk out of the room and as I do Joe comes in front of me

Joe: what's happened

Holly: I ended it

Joe: why

Holly: because I can't forget what I did to him and I run out and I run back to the flat when I get there I slam the door shut and I sink to the floor sobbing

Joe: I walk upstairs to see if Jason is okay when I walk in I see Jason packing all of his things in his suitcase, what are you doing

Jason: I'm gonna go back to South Africa with mum and Robbie, they were right

Joe: I'll help you pack I say and we start to pack

Jason: will you drop me off at the airport I say to Joe

Joe: of course I grab his bag and we head downstairs

Jason: I walk into the kitchen and I say goodbye to my brothers

Freddie: I walk over to Jason and give him a hug good luck

Jason: thanks I say

Ziggy: good luck to you bro give Robbie and mum my love will you

Jason: will do and I hug him again

Joe: are you ready to go

Jason: yeah, we get in the car and we head to the airport when we get there I say goodbye to Joe, Bye I say and I hug him goodbye and I walk off into the airport

Holly: I walk back to the Roscoes house a bit later on and Ziggy answers the door

Ziggy: oh hi holly

Holly: is Jason in

Ziggy: he's gone go the airport

Holly: as soon as I heard that I raced to the airport and I arrived and I saw Joe

Joe: Holly what are you doing here

Holly: wheres Jason

Joe: he's gone to South Africa

Holly: I run into the airport and I look around for Jason when I see him walking into security, Jase I scream

Jason: I am just about to walk into security when I heard someone shout my name I looked down to see Holly, I never thought I would do this but I looked at Holly and I turned my back and I walked away

Holly: Jason looked at me but he didn't come back he turned around and he walked away Jase I screamed and I fell the floor my heart broke why did I break up with him i felt someone's presence behind me I hoped it was Jason but it wasn't it was Joe

Joe: I saw Holly on the floor sobbing her heart out I went over to her and picked her up and took her back in the car and drove her home

Holly: Joe was driving me home when I felt my phone beep it was Cleo it said

From Cleo
Have you broke up with him

Holly: i replied back, yeah I have

Holly: I lay in bed that night heartbroken I knew now I had lost Jason forever


Holly and Jason 2nd fanfiction Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora