Talking about what happned lastnight

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Jason: it was the next Morning and Holly was wrapped up in my arms my mind wondered back to last night and everything my twin brother had said to me I was shocked that he could say all of them things he was meant to be my twin brother but i didn't recognise him last night I looked down to see my gorgeous wife sleeping I smiled and I leant down to kiss her forehead I was still shocked from last nights events that my twin brother could run over my wife on purpose and kill my baby boy and I couldn't believe what he was saying about me, I heard Holly say my name I looked down and saw her beautiful blue eyes starting into mine morning Holl I say

Holly: morning Jase I smile, are you okay I say

Jason: yeah I'm okay, what about you I say

Holly: still shocked I say

Jason: tell me about it I say, I can't believe what happened last night I say

Holly: i can't believe he ran me over on purpose and killed our baby boy just because I was pregnant and married to you I say

Jason: yeah I know I say, the things he said about me I didn't recognise him I say

Holly: i know Jase I say

Jason: what happened to him I say

Holly: I don't know Jase I say

Jason: the things he said Holly loves me and not you I say tears falling down my cheeks

Holly: Jase that isn't true I say

Jason: i look at Holly I know it isn't I say, he said to me your to busy hiding your food in bags

Holly: Jase I say pulling him closer

Jason: my own twin brother said some cruel things to me in the past but nothing like this I say

Holly: Jase I know it's hard but that was Robbie last night I say

Jason: that wasn't him i say

Holly: Jase it was

Jason: I look at Holly you don't know Robbie I say

Holly: I know what I saw last night and that is the real I say, who ran me over on purpose so I wasn't pregnant with his brother's baby if you hadn't of been in that house he would have sexually assaulted I say tears streaming down him face, Jase I know it's hard but that what was saw last night is the real Robbie I say

Jason: it's not i say, you don't get it I grew up with him he always stuck together I say

Holly: he said you weren't his brother I say

Jason: he didn't mean it I say

Holly: please I say

Jason: I can't believe that was the real Robbie I say he's my twin and I cant believe

Holly: what even after everything he has done I say

Jason: I know he killed my baby and he tried to to sexually assault you but I just can't believe he would say these things I say

Holly: I know it's hard I say

Jason: your not going to like this I say

Holly: why what is it I say

Jason: I'm going to go and see Robbie I say

Holly: what I say

Jason: not to forgive him just to get answers I say

Holly: after everything he's done I scream

Jason: I going to get answers I say

Holly: well you go and do that I say throwing the covers off myself and walking out of the door and slamming it shut

Jason: Holl I scream please I'm sorry, I sigh and I throw the covers back off myself and I get ready wearing a white- tee shirt, some black jeans and some trainers, I arrive at the prison and I walk up to the reception I'm here to see Robbie Roscoe I say

Reception: aww yes, go on through I say

Jason: thank you, I walk through and I walk over to one of the tables and I take a seat and I wait for Robbie

Robbie: I walk through the door and I see Jason sat at the table and I take a seat, what are you doing here I say

Jason: I want answers I say

Robbie: what do you mean you want answers I say

Jason: I want to know why you were so cruel to me I say

Robbie: because I was jealous of you and Holly I say

Jason: but why I say

Robbie: because I loved Holly I say but I knew I couldn't have her and when saw her in the middle of that square and I didn't want that baby to be yours so I ran her over I say

Jason: i look at Robbie you could have talked to me I say you didn't have to run her over I say

Robbie: I know, I was just jealous and I wanted Holly but I knew I couldn't have had her after what happened between us I say

Jason: what did you just say

Robbie: what do you mean I say

Jason: the bit where you said after what happened between us I say

Robbie: oh it doesn't matter I say

Jason: it does, what did you mean I say

Robbie: I'm sorry to have to tell you this I say

Jason: what is it I scream

Robbie: me and Holly we kissed I say

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