Arriving in London

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Jason: we had finally arrived in London I looked down at Holly and I didn't want to wake her but I knew I had to I stroked and kissed her forehead and whispered Holl wake up were here

Holly: I had fallen asleep on the way to London when I heard someone whisper my name my eyes fluttered open I looked up to see Jason,
How long have I been asleep I say

Jason: the whole way I smile and we've arrived so we need to get up I smile

Holly: I smile and start packing my things up and I take Jason's hand and we walk off the train and outside where we wait for the taxi

Jason: I call the taxi and we stand outside it finally arrives and me and Holly climb in the lowery hotel I say

Holly: the taxi pulls up outside the hotel it's beautiful it has stain glass windows, and it's very modern we climb out of the taxi and we walk into reception

Jason: we walk up to the desk hand In hand a room for the name Roscoe

Receptionist: aww yes you booked the master suit is that right

Holly: I looked at Jason shocked

Jason: yeah I did, Were gonna head up to our room now thank you for your help

Receptionist: no problem mr and Mrs Roscoe enjoy your stay

Jason: thank you and we will

Holly: thanks very much, we walk into the elevator hand in hand Jase you didn't have to spoil me this much I say

Jason: I did because your beautiful and your the most Perfect wife ever

Holly: aww Jase more like your the most perfect husband I say

Jason: I love you so much I say

Holly: I love you so much I say and I kiss his lips softly

Jason: I smile and I bend over and lift her into my arms bridle style let's go Mrs Roscoe and I run to our room

Holly: Jason I squeal

Jason: I open the door and lay Holly down and kiss her lips softly now let's make baby Roscoe number one I smile and things go on from there

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