Chapter 20

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After BEN was done trying to kill his friends, he had stomped out of the house after getting dressed, claiming that he was going to the park and he would be back later.
"He's going to get lost out there," Jane said as she walked by Jeff, hauling Toby who had passed out from laughing so hard.
Jeff sighed and grabbed his precious knife off of the dining room table and tucked it into his hoodie pocket before leaving the house and making his way through the forest.
He heard familiar laughter and quickly and quietly made his way towards the sound.
His eyes narrowed when he saw BEN hanging out with an unfamiliar boy who was too close for his liking.
"But seriously, how awkward would it be if in Attack on Titan, the Titans had dicks and shit like that."
"James, I will never understand what goes through your mind."
"A lot of weird shit is what goes through my mind."
Jeff growled as he slowly pulled his knife out of his hoodie pocket and got in a fighting stance.
"Anyway, I've gotta get going. Charity needs me to help her with painting her room," James said as he stood up from the swing he was sitting on next to BEN.
"Tell her I said hi," the shorter boy said as he watched the other teen walk away and began swinging.
"Who was he?" Jeff growled as he stepped out from behind the tree he had been standing behind.
BEN's eyes quickly moved from the ground to the slightly angry killer standing only a few feet away from him, tapping his knife against his thigh.
"He was just and old friend of mine," BEN mumbled as he went back to swinging and avoiding Jeff's gaze.
"Why were you talking to him? Were you planning on meeting him here? Answer me, Benjamin!" Jeff demanded as he was suddenly standing directly in front of the elf.
"I wasn't planning on meeting him here. He just popped up after I had gotten here, okay? I'm aloud to have my own friends, now back off," BEN said as he slowly stood up from the swing and straightened his blue t-shirt.
"You seemed pretty close to him," the taller of the two growled and BEN rolled his eyes as he pushed past his boyfriend.
"Because we've been friends since first grade."
Jeff quickly followed the boy while still asking questions and trying to block BEN's path.
When he finally succeeded on blocking BEN's path, he saw the annoyed look on his small boyfriend's face and sighed.
"BEN, I just don't want you around people that could harm you," Jeff said as he reached out and gently caressed BEN's cheek.
A light blush spread across BEN's cheeks and the tips of his ears, causing Jeff to let out a quiet chuckle.
"James won't hurt me. Like I said, we've been friends since first grade," the smaller teen said and Jeff sighed.
"Okay... But I still want you to be careful around him, people change. I mean, look at me! I used to be a sweet kid until people started picking on me and my brother."
BEN nodded his head and the two headed to the local Popsicle\Ice Cream stand where BEN got a cherry Popsicle while Jeff got a vanilla Ice Cream cone and sat down at the benches there to eat it.
"So, what did the two of you talk about?" Jeff asked as he licked at his Ice Cream while BEN looked up from his Popsicle and smiled.
"Well, we mainly talked about anime. I'm pretty sure you hear the Attack on Titan thing, right?" BEN asked and Jeff nodded his head and watched as BEN licked at the Popsicle in his hand.
Damn my teenage hormones to Hell the older teen thought as images flashed through his mind and he groaned as he covered his face with his hands to try and cover his dark blush.
"Jeff, are you okay?" BEN asked as he looked over at the teen sitting beside him.
"Y-Yeah, I'm fine," Jeff said as his blush slowly went away.
BEN gasped as he felt someone grab him from behind and tightly grab his wrist before forcing his Popsicle down his throat.
He gagged as he eyes went wide and Jeff lunged towards the teenager standing behind BEN and shoved him away from the small boy who began coughing and rubbing his now sore throat.
"BEN? Are you okay?" Jeff asked as BEN let out one more cough and cleared his throat.
"I-I'm fine. I think I knew him..." BEN grumbled as he looked over his shoulder to glare at the other boy who was walking away with a smirk on his face.
"That asshole is going to die tonight," Jeff growled and BEN giggled.
"Come on, we should get back to the house before Slendy sends Masky and Hoodie after us," the younger boy said and the two began the walk back to the forest.

Two Dead Hearts [FINISHED]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant