Chapter 11

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As the black van puled up to a large cabin, Sally handed the DS back to BEN and he put it back in his satchel before opening the back doors of the van and jumping out.
He helped the younger girl out of the van and told her to stay with Toby while he got the bags out of Splendy's van.
Jeff glared at Offendy as they passed his van and stopped at the back of the rainbow painted van.
BEN grabbed his and Sally's suitcases while Jeff grabbed his own and Toby's, since he was busy watching Sally.
As BEN walked by the passenger window of Splendy's van, a girl popped out at him.
"What's up, BEN!"
BEN yelped as Clockwork jumped out at him and Jeff chuckled as he caught his boyfriend before he fell back.
"Hey Natalie," he greeted and the girl jumped out of the van window and walked along with the two boys into the cabin.
"Daaaaaaaamn," she said as she looked around the living room and ran up the stairs to find her room.
"Hey Clocky, wanna share a room?"
"You need to get laid, L.J."
Jeff chuckled at how his friends were already fighting when they hadn't even been there for five minutes.
BEN helped Sally choose her room before helping her unpack and make her bed.
When he was done, he grabbed his suitcase that he left out in the hall and began walking down the hallway, staying away from the doors that already had somebody's name on it.
As he was about to open the door to the room that he had chosen, an arm wrapped around his waist and a hand tightly pressed against his mouth.
His suitcase handle slipped out of his hand and the bag fell to the ground, the sound of it falling echoing through the cabin.
He was suddenly pulled into a hall closet and he felt tentacles wrap around his torso and his wrists.
"Hello again, Benny~" Offender man purred in the elf's ear as one of his tentacles slowly made its way up BEN's tunic.
BEN squeaked as he was lifted high enough off the ground so that he was face to face with Offender man.
The smaller boy kicked his legs and squirmed in the creature's tight grip.
"J-JEFF, H-HELP!" he shouted and Offendy frowned and quickly wrapped one of his tentacles around BEN's mouth, successfully shutting him up.
Meanwhile downstairs in the kitchen, Jeff heard a faint scream and shut the music that was blaring out of the radio off.
"Dude, why'd y-" "Quiet, E.J. Something's wrong. Hurry up and go get Slendy," Jeff said as he ran up the stairs and ran down the hall, stopping in front of a closet where he heard muffled screaming.
He yanked the door open and gasped when he saw Offendy holding BEN in the air with his tunic ripped and tears running down his cheeks.
The killer plunged his knife into Offendy's back and the creature let out an inhuman scream as he fell to his knees, dropping BEN in the process.
Jeff pulled BEN out of the closet and picked him up bridal style and carried him to the bedroom the elf had picked.
He grabbed BEN's suitcase along the way and walked into the bedroom, letting BEN down and stepping out to let him change.
While he stood outside the door, he watched as Slendy dragged Offender man down the stairs.
"Hey Jeff, Slendy said that's it's almost time for dinner so the two of you better hurry up," Jane said as she passed by Jeff in the hall on the way towards her room.
BEN's door opened and he walked out wearing a green tank top and a pair of blue skinny jeans.
The couple walked downstairs and walked into the kitchen where everybody was sitting at the large table having their own conversations.
Jeff and BEN sat down beside each other and Jeff made sure to keep his eye on Offendy who was clearly watching BEN.
He suddenly grunted and laid his head down on his table as he body twitched. Jeff looked over at Jane who was sitting beside the man and chuckled as she held up a knife covered in black blood.
He saw BEN give the woman a thumbs up and put an arm around his shoulders, pulling him close and softly kissing his cheek.
"Aww, I didn't know these two were dating," Clocky said and the questions began.

After dinner while everyone was cleaning up, Clocky decided it would be a good time to ask one more question, "Have you guys done 'IT' yet?"
"Nope, they're still awkward virgins," Jane said and Jeff loudly laughed.
"BEN might be, but I'm sure as hell not," he said and BEN's eyes moves from the dishes he was washing to the killer who was leaning against the wall.
"Really? Who was it?" Clocky asked and Jeff gave it some thought before saying, "It was some blonde that I met at a bar a few years ago. It was actually really funny because she was ultimately fucked up, I think some dude spiked her drink thinking that he'd be the one getting to bang her. But, he was too late 'cuz I got to her first."
"Hey E.J, would you do me a solid and finish the dishes for me?" BEN asked and E.J nodded his head, taking BEN's place at the sink while the elf dried his hands with a paper towel and headed upstairs to his room.
"Hey BEN, where're you going?" Jeff shouted up the stairs and got nothing but the middle finger from his small boyfriend.
"Woah, what the fuck was that for?" he shouted as he chased after the boy who never turned back to face him.
"Leave me alone, you asshole," BEN growled as he slammed the door in Jeff's face.

During the night, Jeff snuck out of his room and quickly walked down the hall, making sure to be as quiet as he possibly could be.
When he reached BEN's room, he slowly opened the door and shut it behind him once he walked into the dark room.
He walked over to the bed and climbed onto it, crawling over BEN.
The elf slowly opened his eyes and his blurry vision became clear as he saw Jeff above him.
"J-Jeff? W-What are you doing in here?" he hissed and Jeff's face came closer to BEN's, causing BEN's cheeks to be tinted with a pink blush as he tried to move out from under the larger body.
"Look, I know I pissed you off earlier so I wanted to make it up to you," Jeff whispered as he nipped the tip of BEN's right ear.
Dammit Jeff, I'm going to kill you in the morning BEN thought as he figured out what Jeff was planning.


The next morning, BEN made a move to get out of bed with pain shot up his back and he yelped as he fell back onto his stomach.
"GET OUTTA MY BED YOU JERK!" BEN shouted as he shoved Jeff onto the floor.
The killer looked up at the angry elf and only had time to slip his boxers back on before his was being shot at with a slingshot and rocks.
As he ran down the hall towards his room, he heard the others shouting.
"TOBY YOU OWE ME FIVE BUCKS!" Masky shouted and Toby groaned.

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