Chapter 9

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BEN gasped as the shout rang out through the mansion and jumped off of his bed and rolled under it.
"She's heeeeeere," he hissed and Jeff looked under the bed, sighing at the sight of BEN curled up in a ball.
"BEN, what do you have against Lilly?" he sighed and BEN looked up at him.
"You don't know what I had to go through growing up with her! She's worse than Link; and I HATE Link!"
Jeff rolled his eyes as he grabbed the collar of BEN's tunic and dragged him out from under the bed just as the bedroom door burst open. "HEY BENNY! WHAT'S UP, LITTLE COUSIN?"
The elf screamed as he dodged one of his cousin's neck breaking hugs and ran into the closet, holding the door shut.
"BEN, come out of the closet."
"Yeah Benny, come on out!"
"Shut UP, Lilly!" BEN growled as he stuck his head out of the closet.
Jeff grabbed him by the collor of his shirt and pulled him completely out of the closet to face his worst nightmare; Lilly Matthews, his older cousin.
She tightly hugged and squeezed him as much as she could. "You're just like a stuffed animal!"
BEN wheezed as Lilly finally released him and he fell to the floor.
"Yeah, but I'm not filled with stuffing," he said as he stood up and brushed himself off.
"Ah, Lilly. It's nice to see you again," Slendy said as he walked into the bedroom and looked down at the girl.
"It's great to be here, Slendy! Hey, do I get to come on that trip with you guys?" she asked and the creature nodded his head.
BEN groaned as he walked over to his bed and flopped down on it.
When he heard the door shut, he looked up to see and Jeff was the only other person in the room.
"Soooo, do you need help getting packed for the trip?" Jeff asked and BEN shrugged as he got off of his bed and walked over to his dresser and started pulling clothes out.
"Dude, you have a lot of green in here," Jeff said as he pulled clothes out of BEN's closet.
BEN rolled his eyes as he pulled out a pair of booty shorts out of his dresser and quickly shoved them back in.
"Dude, why the fuck do you have booty shorts?" Jeff asked and BEN blushed.
"Lilly," he simply growled and watched in disbelief as Jeff took the booty shorts out of the dresser and threw them into BEN's suitcase with a smirk on his face.
"What? You have the legs for them and you definitely have the ass for them," Jeff said and BEN pulled the end of his tunic down over his backside.
"You're more of a pervert than I am," BEN grumbled as he pushed by Jeff and grabbed t-shirts out of his closet and threw them into his suitcase.
"Aww, but I thought you liked that~" Jeff purred as he wrapped his arms around BEN's waist.
"OH MY GOD I CAN HEAR YOU GUYS THROUGH THE WALLS. SHUT UP!" Jane shouted as she pounded her fist on the wall.
"Fuck off Jane!" The couple shouted in unison causing Lilly to break out into a fit of giggles.
Jeff looked down at his boyfriend and asked, "Dude, your full first name is actually Benjamin?"
BEN glared up at the taller male and blushed.
"Shut up, Jeffery."

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