Chapter 15

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"BEN! Jeff! Guess what!" Sally shouted as she ran into BEN's room where the couple was playing video games.
The two boys looked over at the girl who grinned at them and pulled them out of the room and down the stairs.
"Sally, what's going on?" Jeff asked as they were pulled into the living room where everybody else was.
"We're gonna play Hide-and-Seek in the dark," Clocky said as she looked over at Jeff from her seat on the couch.
"Are you sure that BEN can do this?" Jeff asked and BEN rolled his eyes as he sat on the couch and crossed his left leg over his right leg.
"I'm not even a month in. I can still do normal things with my friends," he said and looked up as L.J ran into the room holding small bottles of paint and a list.
"Okay, I'm going to tell who's on what team. The blue team consists of me, E.J, Nina, BEN, Lilly, and Sally. The red team consists of Jeff, Toby, Masky, Hoodie, Clocky, and Jane."
After the list, the teams got a thin line of their color on their cheeks then quickly ran out into the darkness.
"Alright, blue team hides first while the red team counts. 3, 2, 1... GO!" L.J shouted and the red team began counting while the blue team began running.
BEN quickly slid into his hiding place which was a tunnel that led to a cave that he had found that last time Slendy had taken them to the cabin.
He stood up in the darkness and pulled his flashlight out of his back pocket and flicked it on, shining it around the cave as he walked further into it.
When he heard a branch snap from outside, he quickly turned the flashlight off and stood as still as he possibly could while holding the flashlight to his chest.
He gasped when he felt a hand cover his eyes as someone grabbed his flashlight from his hands.
"Guess who~"
"Goddammit Jeff, you nearly gave me a heart attack," BEN sighed as he reached up to take the hand away from his eyes.
He squeaked when he felt Jeff's other hand wrap around both of his wrists and hold them above his head.
"Jeff, let go of me. You already won," BEN said as he struggled to get out of Jeff's grip.
"True, but I think that this is better than a game of Hide-and-Seek," Jeff said as his hand left BEN's eyes and wrapped around his waist instead.
BEN gasped when he felt Jeff's hand slip under his shirt and rest on his stomach.
"Is that seriously why you did this?" BEN asked and heard Jeff let out a small 'yes' and groaned.
"You could've just asked," he mumbled as Jeff let go of his wrists and he leaned back against the taller teen.
He blushed when he felt Jeff's hand traveling further up hid body and quickly pushed away from him, tripping over his dropped flashlight in the process.
He braced himself for the ground, but the pain of the fall never came and he looked up to see Jeff looking down at him with fear in his eyes and noticed that he had both of his arms tightly wrapped around his waist.
"Babe, are you okay?" he asked as he tightened his grip on BEN's waist and lifted him up.
"Y-Yeah. I'm fine," the elf replied and walked over to the tunnel and began crawling out of his hiding place.
Once he was out, he stood up and brushed himself off while waiting for Jeff.
The other boy grunted as he finally made his way out of the tunnel and stood up, stretching his arms and looking down at the smaller boy.
BEN yelped as he was suddenly picked up and slung over Jeff's shoulder.
"Jeff, what the hell are you doing?" BEN hissed as he kicked his legs and beat on Jeff's back with his fists.
Jeff chuckled and held BEN's legs together so that his kicks wouldn't have much of an effect.
"I'm just making sure that my prize gets back home safely," Jeff said and BEN huffed as he crossed his arms and stayed quiet the rest of the way back.
When they reached the cabin, Jeff passed by everybody with a determined look in his eyes while he headed upstairs and Clocky felt sorry for the poor elf on his shoulder.
"Hey Clocky, I'll bet you 20 bucks that BEN won't be able to walk right tomorrow," Toby said as he leaned over the back of Clockwork's chair.
"Ha! You're on, Rogers," the girl growled and the two shook hands and put their earplugs in when they heard the sounds coming from upstairs.

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