Chapter 13

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(A/N: There's going to be a little surprise in this chapter :3 I'm not going to tell what it is, so you're gonna have to keep reading to find out. Don't hate me... ;-; *absconds*)

BEN groaned as he wrapped his arms around his stomach and rolled onto his side.
He had been having massive cramps after he was finished with video games with Jeff and he had already thrown up twice.
He heard whispering outside of his door and quickly limped over to it, pulling it open only to have Masky and E.J fall into his room.
"Both of you better have a good explanation for this," BEN growled and limped  back to his bed.
Masky sighed before saying, "E.J and I made a thing that allowed..." Masky stopped talking and BEN narrowed his eyes at the proxy.
"Go on. I will get Jeff if I have to," he said and Masky groaned.
"We made a thing that allows male to become pregnant and we tried it out on you!" Masky blurted out and E.J slapped a hand to his forehead.
Jeff suddenly burst into the room, a look of murder on his face and stormed over to Masky.
He picked him up by the collar of his jacket and pressed his knife against the shorter teens exposed neck and slammed him against the wall.
"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?" he shouted and E.J and BEN ran forward to try and pull Jeff away from Masky.
"Jeff, let go of him!" BEN shouted as he pulled Jeff to the ground.
Masky leaned against E.J as he tried to catch his breath and watched as BEN and Jeff glared at each other.
"Guys, listen. If BEN somehow is pregnant, then the two of you need to stop fighting about it and figure out what you're going to do," E.J said as he walked out of the room, still supporting Masky.
"So are you keeping it?" Jeff asked and BEN turned to glare at him.
"Are you trying to imply that I should get rid of it?" BEN growled as he glared at the taller of the two.
"Do you really think that we could raise a child? For God's sake, you're 14 fucking years old!" Jeff shouted.
"It doesn't mean that I don't know how to raise a child! You forgot, I had to take care of both of my younger siblings when my parents weren't there. I'd be a better parent than you and if you decide that you don't want me to keep it, then you can leave! I don't need someone like you in my life and neither does this child!" BEN shouted as he placed a hand on his stomach.
Jeff watched as BEN stormed out of the room and slammed the door behind him.

BEN walked over to Lilly's room and softly knocked on her door.
"BEN, what do you... who do I need to kill?" Lilly asked as she saw the tears in her cousin's eyes.
"You don't need to kill anyone, I just need to be away from Jeff for a while," BEN quietly said and he was suddenly sitting on Lilly's bed.
He told her everything that had happen and she nodded her head as he told her, trying to figure out what she could do to help her cousin.
"Well BEN, do you want to keep the kid?" she asked and BEN nodded his head.
Lilly grinned and hugged him, being careful of his stomach.
"Good. I've always wanted to be an aunt and we all know that your brother isn't getting laid anytime soon," Lilly said and BEN giggled as he leaned against his cousin.
"Are you going to try and make up with Jeff?" she asked and BEN sighed.
"Yeah, I guess. I don't want my kid to grow up without their other parent."
The two cousins sat on the bed watching Supernatural and eating snacks from Lilly's secrete snack fridge that she kept hidden in her closet.

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