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What a completely weird gal. She was British - that lessened the stakes on her being a threat. The research thing could be a good cover story, except that she did look rather young to be meddling around in supernatural affairs. Not to mention, she was a midget - taking care of her would be too easy in case she got too involved.

"Bad day?"

Oh no. He had already been feeling less than happy with himself - what with the Mason business and the Brit getting his guard down with her stupid wise words, even though it was just for a second. And she was absolutely right, of course.

Anyway, facing the biggest mistake of his life wasn't really on his list today. But he knew Katherine, if she found out that she actually got to him in any way, she would be worse.

"Bad Century." Damon replied, stopping, "Heard you were on the loose."

"What's the matter? Jealous I spent the day with Stefan?"

Pff. If only. He wasn't making those mistakes again. "I don't do jealous. Not with you. Not anymore."

He started walking, hoping she would leave it at that. Maybe disappear. Fly away.

"Why so pouty?" No luck. Well, if this was what he had to endure, so be it. He wouldn't get into any stupid traps with her today.

"Tried to kill a werewolf. Failed. Now I feel like I'm not living up to my best self." That's it. Keep it to business.

"Well, werewolves aren't easy prey." She said, following him. He looked back, interested. Of course she knew about werewolves. She might have been a bitch, but she was old, in the supernatural sense.

"What do you know about werewolves?"

"Why don't you ask your brother?"

His brother? So that was what he had been up to all day... and the reason for his recent... fight, with Elena.

"Don't try to be the hero, Damon. You'll end up dead."

"Been there. Done that. At least this time, this will have been worth it." He didn't know why she always made the blow below the belt. He hoped that she cared though, because two could play that game. He started walking away again, and sighed when he heard no footsteps following.

Even the little conversations with Katherine were very... emotionally exhausting. He wished he could let go of all that excess frustration and anger and just be over this. But how to deal with 150 years of pent up emotions, he really didn't know.

"By the way, I heard you with Granger. Wise one, isn't she?" Katherine spoke from inside his car. Wait, what? She knew Hermione?

He furrowed his brow, titling his head, "How do you know her?"

She smirked pointedly at him, and he had a split second urge to strangle her. "Let's just say that you might want to stay away from that one."

And she was gone.


Hermione was not particularly happy with the state of the house. She had asked for a house in livable condition but this was very much not so. A thick layer of dust covered every damn surface, and she had to scourgify some things three times to even dare to touch them. By midnight, she had finished dusting the living room and kitchen and had enlarged all her luggage to its original size. When she could do no more, she had fell asleep on the sofa after casting some wards around the house.

The next day was similar, making the house livable. There were three bedrooms, all large enough to be masters, and one small one. She discovered a hidden door behind the bar in the afternoon, where she found a huge basement. She thankfully dumped all her books there and promptly owled Luna for more - to collect some specific titles from the Black Library and the Hogwarts Library, at least those that she could remember.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2016 ⏰

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