9 New People, New Love.

Start from the beginning

You: WHAT?!

Is he joking around with me? Who could have thrown them down the dumpster?! That's ridiculous! YG told me those flyers suppose to be put up..

You: Where is the dumpster?

Bobby looked away from me.

You: Ya!

Jinhwan: Anyways, about our choreography..

You: Are you guys ignoring me?!

Bobby: *whistling*

Jinhwan: You're seriously not thinking about picking those flyers up from the dumpster right?

You: Of course I am.

They both shook their head slowly disapproving my decision. My life decisions have always been the worst. This shouldn't be that bad.

I texted YG's manager about the situation. He'll tell me what to do, hopefully.

"Try to spray some fragrances to the flyers. Make sure they don't have horrible odor. Would you want iKON's posters to be smelly?"

That's a given. Like YG, like his own manager.

I don't even act like the members, so I guess that only applies to YG and his manager.

I ran to the back of the arena; I dig and dig the dumpster until I finally found it: the cursed flyers.

You: Finally.. Now I smell like sh*.

I came back to the waiting room and bear to see the members cringing at the smell. Bobby and Jinhwan both made it obvious that they hated it.

I ignored them anyways.

I was focusing on organizing the smelly flyers until Jinhwan began to said something unheard of.

Jinhwan: Hanbin has been texting a lot lately. Isn't that rare?

Well he did texted me a lot.

Bobby: He's so anxious to come back alright. Someone is waiting for him so patiently over there.

I dropped the flyers.

Jinhwan: Are you okay?

You: H-huh? Ah yea. I'm fine.

But am I really?

Junhoe: You're still clumsy as ever.

You: Shut up!

I bend down and pick up the flyers I dropped.


I guess Hanbin moved on. Maybe I should, too.

At first, I thought that moving on would takes time. However, I never expected Hanbin to move on this fast. I was the one who ended our relationship so I thought he would takes longer than me. I guess that's not the case now.

You: I'll be putting up flyers now. Starting from the practice room.

Bobby: Alright good luck.

Jinhwan: Please spray something that smells nice.

You: I will! Geez

Can they at least appreciate what I went through to retrieve these nasty flyers.





I have some difficulties holding up a big amount of flyers. I don't know how much I retrieved from the dumpster but the height of the flyers are blocking my view. It took me a while; I pushed the door of iKON's practice room and rushed inside.

"I miss you, too."

This voice.. Isn't it Hanbin?

You: O-oh sorry..


You: Ugh.. I'll be leaving now.

Before I could even think, I ran out of the practice room. Breathlessly, I now 100% realized that Hanbin has moved on.

Oh f*, I also dropped all of the flyers..

BECOMING IKON'S MANAGER 2 ♡ (hiatus) Where stories live. Discover now