Harry finally opens his eyes and even though the effect is the same he feels as though he's closer to Louis with his eyes open rather than closed. "Louis, I'm really sorry about what happened. I-" "Hey, hey." Louis interrupted as he sat on the bed with Harry, absolutely confused as to why he would be apologising. He took Harry's hands, "You don't have to be sorry for anything Harry. Why would you think you would have to apologise?" "Because... because I don't know. I just feel like I was just a huge burden to you and I made a big deal out of nothing." Harry hears him scoff.

"Harry you didn't make a big deal. If anything you didn't make a big enough deal. You were being pushed and shoved and there were alarms and you couldn't see. Of course you're going to panic. I would panic ten time worse than you did so if anything you were so strong with how you handled it. And a burden? Hazz I was more than happy to help you. My heart broke when I saw you in the hall but I'm so happy I was the one that helped you calm down." "You were the only one that could do it Louis. Normally when I have attacks like that it takes hours of my mum or any other family member to calm me but you did it in ten minutes. I don't know how or why but there's something about you that just calms me."

Louis wishes Harry could see the dumb smile on his face. Harry needs him. Not just to calm his attacks but in general. Harry needs Louis more than the both of them know. "I just know you Harry. You may have known Liam and Zayn longer but I know you better. You're my Harry. I'll always be here for you." He ruffled Harry's curls slightly to try and break up such a serious conversation.

Louis wasn't one to be so serious and at a time like this Harry could use a good laugh. Harry managed to chuckle but there was something else on his mind. "Louis, I understand if you don't want to help me. You know, I understand if you want to be with someone normal."

"Shut up." Louis snapped in a stern manner. Harry wasn't taken back too badly since he could tell Louis wasn't angry, just serious. Quite the contradiction from his attitude thirty seconds ago. "Don't say that Harry. You are normal. So what if you can't see? That doesn't make you abnormal it makes you you. Blind or not I won't ever want anyone else." "What about the panic attacks? Because they're not as uncommon as I've made them out to be." "You even said it yourself, I can calm you down in ten minutes. What's ten minutes out of my day to help someone I care about? Someone I would give my life for." He chuckled slightly to once again break up the seriousness. He was completely serious but the room was getting a little too sentimental for Louis' liking.

Harry smiled brightly up at the boy he's become so crazy over. "Thank you Louis. You don't know what this means to me." Louis waved him off but quickly shook his head at his stupidity, forgetting that Harry can't see him. "You don't have to thank me. I'm here for you love." Another kiss is planted on Harry's lips and the younger boy can't help but smile widely into the soft pair of lips on his own. Harry is beginning to see just how much he really needs Louis.

They're interrupted by the opening of the door. Louis jumped off the bed quickly when Zayn clears his throat, the other two snickering to themselves. They've seen the two kiss before but Louis would prefer not to song in front of other people. "What're you lads doing? The nurse said one at a time." "Who's here?" Harry asked, "I can smell Liam's aftershave." "Niall and Zayn are here too." Louis confirmed for him. Harry smiled widely in the direction he thought they were in and no one corrected him when that direction turned out to be completely the opposite of where the three were standing. It was endearing how much Harry tried sometimes.

"And she said he's doing okay for us to be here too." Liam confirmed as they came into the room more. "How're you feeling Hazz?" He asked as he rubbed the hand that wasn't holding onto Louis' for life. "I'm okay now. I was just scared." "What happened?" Niall asked innocently but neither Louis or Liam answered. They weren't sure if Harry wanted them to know about the anxiety or not. Zayn knew a little since he was Harry's go-to set of eyes when Liam wasn't available and before Harry met Louis. "I just panic sometimes when I don't know where I am." Harry explained, "It's like being locked in a dark room and not being able to find the light switch. It makes you panic after a while."

Niall nodded in understand meant and Louis is surprised Harry is so willing to tell him about his condition. He and Niall were friends after all. It would be silly to not want to tell him. "When can I get out of here?" Harry asked in the direction he knew Liam was in, assuming he would know the answer and he did; "A few hours as long as you're up for it?" "I'm up for it!" He said excitingly. "But. No. One. Tells mum." "Agreed." The four of them said quickly, not wanting to see the wrath of Anne if she were to find out her son was in the hospital.

Anne wasn't a scary woman, she was actually adorable but when it came to Harry you wouldn't want to step on her toes. Like with Louis. Harry laughed at the four of their frightened voice at the same time before they took seats on either side of him. Louis and Harry's hands never disconnected the entire time.


Louis managed to sweet talk the nurse at the front desk into releasing Harry under his name since he was over eighteen but they unfortunately did have to tell Anne about his panic attack considering there would most likely be a call from the school. She responded in the way they expected, with worry but Harry managed to get her to calm down when he explained Louis was there for him. She was definitely shocked when he told her that Louis managed to calm him down so quickly when it normally takes her longer. Louis is definitely her favourite person right now.

Louis stays for dinner and laid in bed with Harry, running a hand through his curls until he falls asleep. Once he hears that Harry's breath has gotten heavier, a signal that he's asleep Louis slowly slides out from underneath him, placing a hand on his cheek to lower him into the mattress gently. He kisses his forehead before hesitantly making his way out of the room. Louis has to remember that Harry isn't a little kid and that he'll be fine. He is capable of handling himself, just needs a little help from time to time.

Louis stifles a yawn as he makes his way downstairs, struggling to put on his jacket. "Louis." "Ah!" Louis jumped when he hears Anne's voice in the kitchen. She snickers at him, "Didn't mean to scare you love. Cookie?" She held out a plate of cookies to which Louis can't agree to fast enough. Now that football season was done he didn't need to stay away from junk food. Not that he stayed away from it before anyway. "Fank you." He said with a mouthful of cookie. Anne just smiled fondly.

"Just so you know I'm going to keep Harry home for the rest of the week." She poured the cookies into the brown bear shaped porcelain jar with care. "There's only three more days until Christmas holiday. I think he'll be okay with starting his break early." "Definitely." Louis chuckled slightly since he knew Harry would like that.

He would miss him at school but he would feel better about having him at home rather than the place for his attack. "I'm still going to be going to work though. Harry knows the house well enough to be here by himself but, and feel free to say no, would you mind stopping by after school to make sure he's okay? He doesn't panic when he's here alone but I worry. You know?"

"Trust me. I know exactly how you feel. Of course I'll stop by. I don't think I can stay away from Harry for too long anyway." Anne smiled at him again before handing him a take home container with a few cookies in it. Louis gladly took them, offering her a small thank you. "Thank you for what you did for him today Louis. He obviously can't be away from you for too long either. He's different around you, I can see it. He's more calm and at ease. It's as if his stress is gone when he's with you."

Louis smiled at her, "Well that's good that he likes me so much. I'm not leaving his side so I'm sure I would get a little annoying if he didn't like me." Anne chuckled at him. "Alright Louis I know you're tired."

She led him to the door and opened it for him. "Why don't you and your mum come over for dinner this weekend? I'm sure she'd love to meet Harry and I'd like to meet her." Louis nodded, "Yeah sure. I'll ask her tomorrow." They exchanged a few goodbyes and Louis eventually just had to walk away when she thanked him several more times for helping Harry. Anne shut the door after him, thinking about how much she likes him and how much she loves for him to be around Harry.

Louis is thinking the same thing as he drives home. A thought that also scares him. He loves being around Harry so much he doesn't like to wonder what would happen if he couldn't be around him for any reason. He's not about to let that happen any time soon though; or ever for that matter.

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