Ch.1 Starting Over

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Soo Jin POV

I walked hand in hand with Jungkook as he walked me home. We went out to eat and catch a movie.

"Did you see how awesome Captain America was?", I asked happily.

"Yeah. But did you see how Iron Man was more awesome?", he counted and I gasped.

"We are a Captain America couple. Iron man is not relevant to me.", I giggled.

"But wasn't he helping the bad guy?", he asked as we came to a crosswalk.

"Umm that guy was brainwashed into doing things he didn't want to.", I corrected and he laughed.

The light turned red before the street sign announced that we could walk. Jungkook looked down at me with a smile causing me to blush.

"I love you.", he said and I smiled.

"I love you too.", I replied before the sound of screeching tires were heard.

I turned my head to see headlights blinding my vision. My eyes widened before my back hit the concrete and the car came to a stop. I sat up with a groan before a couple got out of the car.

"Oh my god!! Is he okay?!", the woman screamed.

"I-- I didn't see him. I didn't mean it!!", the man shouted.

My blood ran cold as I saw a body lying in the road a few feet down. I let out a scream as I ran towards Jungkook.

"Baby!! Baby wake up!!", I shouted and he let out a pained groan.

"Jungkook. I'm here. Just hold on were gonna get help.", I told him.

"SOMEONE CALL AND AMBULANCE!!", I screamed as I held him.

"I'm on it. Honey call the police.", he panicked.

I rested Jungkook's head on my lap. He had blood pouring down his face and from his mouth. He looked up at me before giving a weak smile bringing his hand up to my cheek.

"Jagiya....don't cry.", he coughed and I closed my eyes.

When I opened them I gasped as he was no longer there. The only thing left of him was his blood staining my hands and clothes. I let out a scream before opening my eyes to realize I'm in my bed. I ran a hand through my hair as Yeongi and Suga ran through my door.

"Jinnie? Its okay. You're alright.", she whispered.

"I can't deal with this.", I cried and she pulled me into her embrace.

"I know its hard. But were here if you need anything.", Suga told me.

My body shook as I wiped my face with a frown.

"I'm okay guys. Its nothing I haven't been through before.", I said.

"The accident?", Yeongi asked.

I nodded and she gave a small smile.

"It wasn't your fault. You know this.", she told me and I looked over to the picture on my nightstand.

"It feels like it is.", I whispered running my thumb over his face before clearing my throat.

"Alright um you guys just go back to bed and I'll sit up and read a book until I fall asleep. Sorry for bothering you.", I said.

"You're not bothering us. Just a moderate nuisance.", Suga joked and Yeongi smacked him.

"Yah don't say that.", she scolded as he rubbed his head.

"Its fine eonnie. His jokes are harmless.", I smiled and she nodded.

"Okay back to bed. The both of you.", I pushed them towards the door.

"Are you sure?", Yeongi asked unsure.

"Yes. Its been two months. Eventually I'll get on with my life.", I said and she nodded.

"Good night Jinnie.", Suga waved and I smiled.

He pulled my door closed and I sighed as the clock read 3:15.

"Its my fault.", I mumbled grabbing a book of my desk.

After finishing my book I ran a hand through my hair to see the clock read 5:25. Great I have to get ready for work in an hour. I might as well get up and shower. I grabbed my clothes and turned on the tap before climbing in letting the water run down my face.

"My fault."

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