"I want bacon," I inform him firmly. This time his laugh is amused as he heads for the door.

"Some things never change," Micah says quietly as he glances back at me from the doorway.

I am too awake to lay in bed contentedly and I am soon getting up and heading for the toilet and bathroom. With my bodily functions quickly addressed I wash my face and hands before heading to the other end of the building and the food I can smell cooking. Micah frowns when he glances towards the table as I take a seat but he says nothing until he places a plate with scrambled eggs, bacon and buttered toast on it before me.

"Eat up," Micah orders.

I pick up a slice of bacon and nibble the end of it delicately, flavour explodes on my tongue and I close my eyes as I moan in pleasure. I take another bite and the crisp meat crunches between my teeth as I chew slowly savouring the rich flavour.

"How are you feeling this morning?" Micah asks as he sits down beside me. He has a plate of food in front of him and cutlery in his far hand as he settles himself in the seat. I accept the knife and fork he hands me but still hold the last bit of the bacon in my fingers as I meet his eyes.

"Hungry," I state simply before popping the last of the bacon between my lips and chewing. I glance down at his plate, several pieces of bacon are nearly over cooked. I eye them a moment before reaching out and taking the closest one, I glance up at Micah through my lashes. Drew had hated it when I picked choice bits off his plate but Micah merely smiles at me as he motions towards his plate.

"What's mine is yours," His voice is thick and warm and I push my plate close to his before I take another crisp piece of bacon from his plate. His arm is warm as he wraps it around my shoulders and pulls me close to nuzzle against where my neck meets my shoulder. I feel the stubble on his face catch in my hair as he rubs his cheek against the side of my head and I pause to allow him this liberty before returning to eating with a soft growl.


I tuck the covers in around Rosy's shoulders and stand watching her sleep for a few minutes before walking from the room on quiet feet. I head through the sunroom and out towards the kitchen where I can hear the low buzz of voices. Doc looks up as I reach the entrance to the kitchen, I know he wants to discuss the ultra sound he had managed to do half an hour earlier.

"It's not good," Frank says as he looks up from the laptop screen he is looking at. " There are definite signs of frequent bleeding under the placenta and several old clots there as well."

"Do you think you can get her to agree to that kitt being delivered by caesarean as soon as we get a fresh supply of O negative lined up?" Doc asks.

"Rosy won't agree to anything that might endanger that kitt. You heard her in there," I say tightly as my stomach turns summersaults.

"I will get some steroids that if given to Rosy should make its lungs mature faster. Might be able to give the little kitt a slight chance," Frank says softly. "He's a fighter to have made it this far."

"Did you get a clear enough picture to tell how far along it is?" I ask. I'm torn in two different directions. I want Rosy to be having my kitt, not some other tom's but at the same time a part of me doesn't want us to loose that kitt that I am starting to become attached to.

"It was in a bad position behind the placenta," Doc says with a shake of his head. "It's small, still in breech position,"

I turn my head and look out the small window above the sink as cold reality sets in. We haven't buried Wade and Clint yet and there was a really big probability there would be a third grave needed.

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