Chapter 15- Only love

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Notice-*Extra long, due to being the finale*

You wake up groggily to a white light you that resembled the light you woke up to in the lab. You panicked a little. But when you sat up, you found yourself in a hospital with the whole gang in the room sitting or standing nervously, awaiting your waking. Everyone's heads shot up the moment your body got up from the bed.

"(y/n)!" Tifa and Yuffie yell in unison. Everyone had on a sad smile seeing you awake, even Cloud himself. Your headache was starting to come back to you, so you laid back down on the bed carefully.

"Hey guys," you say, "Are all you okay?"

"Yep, everyone's fine. But, I think you should be worrying about yourself more than us," Tifa says. Just then, a woman comes in, she looks likes a business woman. Everyone leaves quietly, leaving you alone with the woman.


"So, I'm not an alien?"

"No, you are not. You're human like the rest of us, but it appears you were a subject to an extreme amount of mako, Jenova cells, and other chemicals in the womb, along with a number of other people, but your body reacted differently with the substances, causing your DNA and such to reform differently than the others." You flop down on your pillow and take a beep breath. You feel so relieved. It was the first best thing that had happened today. "Anyway, I think I better go, you should rest due to everything that has just happened."

You two shook hands and she mentioned that her name was Holly. After she left, you try to relax again, until you look to your left and see a small table, packed with gifts, cards, and sweets. Tifa had got you a silver necklace, along with a "get well card" everyone had signed. Cloud had gotten you a small collection of tiny daggers, to protect yourself most likely. Barrett got you a revolver.  Cid had got you a photo album of him on one of his adventures. Yuffie had got you a four-foot tall, light blue unicorn stuffy. Reno had got you a huge bouquet of roses and a chocolate box shaped like a heart and Rude had got you a small teddy bear shirt pin. And finally, Marlene, Denzel, Red, and Cait had made you cupcakes. No gift from Vincent. Of course. You get off the chair and go back on the bed and lay on your side. You close your eyes in an attempt to sleep to take away some of the pain in your heart and body. However, your attempt was in vain when you hear a knock at the door.

"Yes," you answer. To your utter shock and horror, Vincent opened the door. Your heart rate went through the roof right away and beads of sweat could be felt forming all over your body. You lay back down quickly, turning your head away from him. You hear his boots tap heavily on the floor and you could sense him now on the side of the bed your body was facing away from, you could feel his intense stare on you. Your breath was starting to shake along with your body.

"Are you okay?" he asks in his usual hoarse and indifferent voice. 

"Y-yeah, I am. Thank you." You know he could see that you were uncomfortable with him being there, but it seemed he didn't care about that. Then, ever so suddenly, you feel the sheets being pulled off your body, causing a huge gush of wind to make you shiver. You jump a little while laying and you get up and turn around to face him.

"Vincent, what the hell are you doing?!" you shout at him both shocked and angry, but mostly shocked. He doesn't answer, but instead looks in your eyes before they start to examine all over your  body ever so slowly. You blush intensely at the sight of him looking at your form and you can't help but look down at your body also. Your arms and legs are covered in bruises, cuts, and future scars and they were almost nothing but flesh on bone. And you guessed that your torso wasn't going to be very different. Your pain and hunger was growing worse now seeing the condition you were in. You feel more humiliated than anything when remembering that Vincent's looking at it also. So much for giving your infatuation a good impression of yourself.

"You don't look okay," he says after a painful silence.

"Then why did you even ask if you knew I wasn't?" you ask out of your humiliation.

"Because you're not good at keeping things from people, especially me." You blush, knowing he's most likely referring to your unintentional confession.

"Okay, I get it, I'm not a good liar, what are you trying to prove?!" you shout at him, cursing yourself as you do so. He looks back at your face, which was no doubt as bad as the rest of your body and you know your hair was a mess without even looking at it.

"What you blurted out the other day.... who were you talking about?" he asks. You freeze a little. He had been confused by who you were talking about that day. It had to be either Reno or.... him. You look at him with a frozen expression on your face for a few seconds before trying to run away due to fear and embarrassment.

"I don't want to talk about it," you rush and you start speed-walking to the door. However, a cool metal hand grabbed your bone-thin arm and pushed you gently onto the nearby wall. You then feel a hand slam loudly on the wall beside your head. You tense up, put your head down, and close your eyes which were starting to tear up. He was now scaring you more than he ever did before.

"Why are you running away from me?" he demanded softly. You pop your head up and look straight into his blood coloured eyes when you blurt out without thinking;


Everything froze in that moment. You wish you could just drop dead. The tears start to fall down your cheeks and you shake even more. You drop your head back down, unable to look into his eyes again. You try to push him away to run out again, but you're stopped when Vincent jams you into the wall again, grabs the side of your face with the palm of his clawed glove, and shoves his lips on yours. It felt like the world exploded. You could barely comprehend what was going on, your eyes could pop out of their sockets at any moment. His lips felt like snow and his breath like frosted air, yet it made yours burn. After a few seconds, you stood there in shock as the man you loved and feared was kissing you strongly. His eyes opened slightly, looking into yours as he continued to kiss you. You frowned heavily as tears streamed down your cheeks and you finally closed your eyes and kissed him back.

The kiss became more heated with each sync. You wrap your arms around his back as he slides his metal hand from your head to your back slowly, making you shiver. Your pain and hunger was vanishing and your body was melting under his. Your heart was beating so fast, you were becoming lightheaded. With one last kiss that was more forceful yet passionate than any of the other ones, you both parted. You looked in his eyes, but the fear was gone, all that was left over was the love you had for him.

"I love you, too," you hear his rough yet soft voice say through the crimson cloak that was covering his lips.


(Continued in part 2)

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