Chapter 4-Crimson Protector

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Once you get home to your apartment, you kick off your boots, take off your heavy trench coat, and change into your PJs. As you are brushing your hair,  you study yourself. You wonder if Vincent could ever be attracted to you. After all, you were just a normal person. What if he did like you? After all, why would he touch you so tenderly the way he did a few days back. Ever since that encounter, you haven't been able to go to the Forgotten City. 

'I wonder if he's been there since last time,' you think to yourself. You daze out for a moment before shaking your head, sighing, and putting your brush down. You look back at your reflection. Your cheeks look like the same red as the cranberry juice you drank. You let out another sigh and rub your cheeks. You get into your bed and shut off the lamp. As you lay down, you realize just how aching your body actually is. All those heavy boxes and standing today really did it's toll on you. 

"I need to speak with you," a rough voice called out of nowhere. You let out a small squeak and jump up. A red figure and red glowing eyes are looking right at you, next to an opened window you could've sworn was closed a few minutes ago. You gulp thickly.

"Vincent, what are you doing here," you ask the man.

"I believe you're in danger," he says, walking closer to the bed. You instinctively lean back on your bed frame. He is now right at the edge of the bed beside you. His figure shadowed and his eyes glow behind the slightly blackness beneath them.

*(If you look closely enough at any picture of him, you'll see that Vincent has dark bags under his eyes)*

"What do you mean I'm 'In danger'?" you ask him shakily.

"I've overheard some of the scientists at one of Shinra's companies taking about you. They say you have the ideal body for one of their little experiments." You listen in disbelief. How could any of the scientists be taking about you. 

"They could have been talking about someone else..... Someone who has the same name." Vincent shakes his head side to side.

"No, they were specifically talking about you. They mentioned everything, your whole name, first and last, your age, gender, occupation, your hometown, and to prove it even more, they had photos of you in one of the files," he says. You look in his eyes for a few moments, then to the floor, in confusion and disbelief.

"Why me?" you manage to whisper. Vincent shrugs his shoulders slightly.

"I don't know, all I heard is that there's some kind of biological substance in your body that they want to get their hands on. But, they didn't mention what it was. I get the strong feeling that it's anything  but Jenova cells or Mako, since a number of people have it and if you did, it wouldn't be anything special. You must have something that 's never been used on anyone, but you, of course." He pauses a few seconds before asking, "Do you have an idea on what they were mentioning?" 

Your brain swirls in thoughts, trying to figure this out, but........ nothing.

"I don't know," you whisper, looking up at him. "I don't know what they're talking about. I had no idea that there was something about me that was different, even the doctors I've seen don't say anything.." As you say that, you suddenly remember all of them acting strangely after seeing X-rays and examining blood, but they never said anything and you didn't really seem to notice or care, until now. "I remember some of them acting weird after my results and they refused to show them to me, but they didn't really do or say anything to me, and I didn't really care, I thought it was normal."

"I see," he says, "I'll go back and retrieve the file in the morning and bring it back to you as I was caught tonight trying to grab it, but I've taken precautions in advance and called your job's office, stating you won't be at work for a few days. As for now, I suggest you lock your doors and windows, and don't answer the phone or the door for anyone, even if it's someone you know well."

It's about two minutes before you say anything. "Thank you," is all you manage to get out.

"You should sleep now, this is a lot I know, but I, and the rest of the team will do everything we can to keep you safe." You look up from the floor to look at Vincent, but you see a small piece of red wiz out of your window, leaving you scared, confused, yet slightly happy, knowing the man you love is protecting you.

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