Chapter 8 The Man That You Fear

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A/n:Hello to my dear readers. I've been gone for awhile been thinking, about what more I could add to this story. Now Brian is called Manson since now the band got a record label. For Marilyn Manson and Spooky Kids. Could Manson be any different from the pre-fame he is receiving?

I hope you enjoy this chapter! Xoxo

July 20

*Victoria's POV*

Laying in bed with Manson. Hearing him exiting out of the bathroom. With a tower wrapped around his waist. I openly my eyes slowly pretending to be asleep. I saw his boner!!! Oh my!!!! Does he really like me?!

Manson's phone rings.

I close my eyes.

*Manson's POV*

Reaching out for my phone. Seeing Victoria fast asleep.

Manson:Hey baby. How are you love?

Unknown: Just laying down in bed waiting for you to come over here.

Manson: Babygirl, you know I'm working. Till August I will see you princess.

Unknown: Well baby I gotta go get ready. Love you handsome! Bye.

Manson:Love you too beautiful! Bye.

*Ends call*

Heading back to the bathroom to brush my hair. Closing the door behind me.

*Victoria's POV*

A tear runs down my face. I try not to make too much noise. I get up and head back to my bedroom. Feeling so empty. Thinking this whole time he liked me. More then just friends. I lock my bedroom door. I don't wanna see Manson anymore. Every since he got a recorded deal, his been very different than the first time we met. Crying onto my pillow trying not to scream. Gets up and gathers my clothes to take a long hot shower. Brian was the only boy or guy to like me back. Knowing he has someone else hurts me so much. I feel so weightless and my head feels heavy.

*Manson's POV*

Opening the bathroom door. My eyes panic, Victoria is not in my bed! I rush out in my boxers. VICTORIA!!! Shouting. Knocking on her bedroom door. Its lock.

*Victoria's POV*

Singing in the shower. While Boy George is playing in the background. "Do you really want to hurt me? Do you really want to make me cry?" Hearing pounding on my bedroom door. Ugh.... Whatever he doesn't care. Shouldn't he be talking to his stupid girlfriend?! I put on black shorts and a kiss T-shirt. Unlocking my door.

Victoria: What!!!!! I was taking a fucking shower!!! What do you want Manson!!! In a bitchy tone.

Manson: I...I...was worried about you.

Victoria:Well you don't have to worry about me anymore. With a smile at the end. And slamming the door onto his face.

*Manson's POV*

God what got onto her today? Why is she sudden so mad at me? Ohhh maybe she's on her period. No worries it's normal.

*Getting a text.*

Cynthia: How everything going? How's Victoria?

Manson: She's alright. Everything is under control.

Cynthia:That's good to hear. I gotta go. Text you later.

Manson: Okay, Bye.

*Victoria's POV*
Laying in bed not even hungry for breakfast. I just wanna be in my room all day to avoid Manson. Every horny bitch wants to fuck him. But if he knew that I was hitting on him, he could have told me in the first place that he has someone else?! Boys are so stupid and confusing. Turning on the tv. Watching a scary movie called Cabin Fever.

Sighs... A classic movie to enjoy for the early morning. God my room is a mess.... Just like my life. After the movie is done I will clean up.

*Manson's POV*
Eating scrambled eggs and toast by myself. Getting up and screaming for Victoria to have breakfast.

*Victoria's POV*
Ugh... What does this manhoe what?! His getting on my last nerve! Opening my door.
WHAT!!!!!!!!!! WHAT DO YOU WANT!!!!

Manson:Do you want breakfast? In a soft tone.

Victoria: slams the door so hard making the walls shake. Heading back  to my bed.

*Manson POV*
Getting my plate and putting it in the sink to wash later on. Going up stairs.
Feeling no emotion. Why is Victoria acting like this? Going straight to Victoria's room.

Manson: Hey what is wrong with you? Did I do something wrong?

Victoria: I don't know, you should tell me? Whisper's under my breath*How can men be so stupid?!*

Manson:What?! I don't know what I did wrong to get you like this. Tell me.

Victoria:Okay, you really wanna know?! I liked you! (Starts tearing down so much that my waterproof mascara was failing on me... Just great.) I thought you liked me back, and I guess not. From the looks of it.

Manson:I didn't know, you liked me?! Gosh I feel horrible. And yes I do have a girlfriend. I did liked you, I really did. But what happens if we became and thing. Let's say we do, how would your mother react? She wouldn't hire me to babysit anymore. Victoria to be honest I even loved you. We have so many things in common and your perfect in my eyes. Everything I see you and hear you sweet voice it makes me melt.

Victoria:*Gets shaky* Why didn't you tell me how you felt about me? I get up and punch him in the chest knocking him to the floor. You hurt!! Did you know that?! Gosh you make me sick. You really do. I don't wanna see you.

*Manson's POV*

Manson stayed silent. As Victoria leaves out of her room, running down stairs to her mom's bedroom.. Gosh I really did hurt her. How do I even fix this? Should I break up with my current girlfriend? Or should I stay with her?

*Victoria POV*

*Locking mom's bedroom door* running to the bathroom and locking it as well. I cried on the cold dusty floor so hard my head started to hurt.

*Manson's POV*

Getting up, heading to the guest bathroom. A few tears start running down my face.

*Received a message*

Unknown: Hey baby, I miss you! Btw I love you! Text me later💕.

A/n: What will happen next? Does Manson still have feelings for Victoria? Will he leave his girlfriend for her? Did he actually ever loved Victoria? Is this the end of their close friendship? Stay tuned for tomorrow's new chapter! You don't wanna miss out!

Hope you enjoy this chapter!

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