chapter 2

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*Brian's point of view*

Brian locks the front door. And goes to the kitchen, his eyes wondering around like a kid in a candy store. Finding the phone book and house phone.

*Dialing Domino's Pizza*

Pizza guy: This is Dominos pizza, what would you like to order? We have pizza on special; its the last day for the special.

Brian: I would like to have a large cheese pizza. What is your special for today Sir?

Pizza guy: um. The special pizza is large pepperoni cheese pizza. The original price was $17.99 and if you order right now. It would be for $10.99.

Brian: Can you add me that special? And that will be just all for order.

Pizza guy: OK sir. Your total is $25.78. Will it be cash?

Brian: yes it will be cash. The address is elm street 315.

*hangs up* *grabs my stuff and head up stairs to the guest room*

Entering in a nice cozy bedroom with a king size bed and 75' inch TV and a bathroom. A nightstand next the bed. I put my things in the walk in closet.

*changing and putting on shorts and a band shirt on red hot chilly peppers*

*Victoria's point of view*

*Taking a nap after a long school day of school*

*Brian's point of view*

Finally changed and going down stairs waiting for the pizza man to arrived.
Thinking (what happens the little girl doesn't like me? What happens she's scared of me? What if she is a bad child?) Thoughts interrupted

*Loud knocking on the door*

Grabbing the money and opening the door. Getting the pizza's.
Heading back to the kitchen.

*Victoria's point of view*
Waking up because of a strong headache and I'm so hungry. I slept for the pass 3 hours. No wonder I'm so hungry.  Getting out of bed and leaving out of my bedroom.

Whispering to myself "Oh gosh there's someone down stairs!!! I forgot about the whole babysitter thing. Getting nervous as I'm slowly walking down stairs to see who the babysitter is.

*Brian's point of view*

Thinking (she's coming down the stairs.) Heart pounding. Getting the pizza ready. I see a tallish girl with curly hair and with a twisted sister shirt on. That's what caught my eyes at her.

Brian: you must be Victoria? Am I right? Hi I will be your babysitter. The pizza just came a few minutes ago. Perfect timing. Giving her my smile.

Victoria:( I see a tall skinny guy with long black hair. His so cute. Oh lord his smile just gave me life.) Yes I'm Victoria. That's good, because I'm so hungry and my head hurts.

Brian: Sorry. Well I got you, your favorite pizza. I forgot my manners. My name is Brian by the way.

Victoria: Thank you for ordering me pizza. I give him a smile. Nice to meet you Brian. Go sit in the table while I get you something. What would you like to drink?

Brian: water please?

Victoria: Grabbing 2 bottle of waters and sitting down in the kitchen table.

*Both of us enjoying are delicious pizza*

*Brian finished up with his 2 slices of pizza.*

Victoria: you must have been so hungry.

Brian: Yeah I was waiting for you. But I didn't wanna bother you.

Victoria: No, it's fine. You would give me company.

Brian: *smiles* I would. But I was nervous to meet you.

Victoria: There's nothing to be nervous about. In a shy tone. Well let me take your plate and take care of that.

Brain: No, I will take care of that sweetie. Don't worry.

Victoria's thoughts (How can my mom hire a hot babysitter? He has a beautiful smile. His tall omg I love tall guys. This must be a prank or something. And his brown eyes just kills me. Ohh and his voice is deep and so beautiful.)

*Victoria hits back to reality*

Brian: *washing the plates* So are you out for summer? And what grade did you pass to?

Victoria: Yes I'm. Thank god I'm out of that hell hole. Incoming junior.

Brian: *laughs* that's good. Well just one more year and your out of the hell hole. *laughs again*

Victoria: Yeah. So may I ask? How old are you Brian?

Brian: I'm 22 years old. How about you beautiful?

Victoria: *blushes* umm.. I'm 16.

Brian: Wow! We are not far apart. In a flirty tone. Winking.

Victoria: My cheeks turning pink. Yeah... So what made you babysit me?

Brian: Well long story.

Victoria: Tell me.

Brian: I was in this band called Marilyn Manson and the spooky kids and we are taking a little break. So I wanted to have a little side job. I guess you can say. And I didn't wanted to be bored for summer. Then I got a call from your mom to babysit. I didn't mind the job. And deicide to go for it. *in a happy tone.*

Victoria: Cool band name! So what was your role in the band? I understand we don't wanna get bored. I'm surprised my mom hired a babysitter that is a guy.

Brian: I was the drummer and the back vocals. So right now I'm the lead singer. I call myself Marilyn Manson. Yeah I know right, I guess she didn't mind hiring me to take care of her  gorgeous daughter.

Victoria: *blushes hard* that's cool. My mom doesn't like me to be around boys.

Brian: Well I wouldn't blame her.All the boys from school must be all over you.

Brian Warner Is My BabysitterWhere stories live. Discover now