Chapter 64: Intai-go No Sai Shūshoku No Oiwai

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After the whole happenings in Dasuka Kingdom, they came back to Azuchi. Everyone is still there, shocked of what happened at the neighboring kingdom.

"W-What happened..?" People chatter. Mamoru notices Maria in her 千本桜 form.

"Look!" Mamoru pointed to Maria. Her eyes still glow. She had a smile at her face. Everyone looked at her.

"Look at her..." The people chatter again because of Maria's beauty like a 桜. But when they see Takadatsu alive and well, the former samurais gasped and hugs him, as they were Takadatsu's students.

"Takadatsu-sensei!" One of them shouted. It was Nori. Takadatsu smiled.

"Hah, memories always come back." Takadatsu muttered. Takao nodded and bowed.

"Hai, it does, Sensei, but we should honor him for returning in our kingdom!" Takao exclaimes.

"Yes. Also, don't forget our children," at the line, the female person appeared. She bowed.

"Boku wa Luka Honda." She said. Maria widens her eyes and she hugs her mother. Luka smiled and pats her daughter's head. Kuro sulked a little, but Kiku cheered him up.

"Ne, nīsan.." Kiku started. Kuro looked at him.

"Hai?" He asked.

"Should we pull a prank on them after the festival?" Kiku asked. When Kuro heard this, he smirked mischievously.

"We should." Kuro said. They high-fived each other. Kuro smiles and hugs his mother.

"Gomen ne, okaasan." Kuro apologized. Kuro almost had tears. Luka sighs.

"Hora, hora, Kuro. Daijoibu dayo. Kako wa kako, Kuro." Luka consoled Kuro. Kiku smiled. He approaches his mother and bows then looks at all the residents.

"Min'na! Watshitaitchiha, kono matsuri Luka to Takadatsu Honda no intai-go no sai shūshoku no oiwai ni suru hitsuyō ga arimasu!" Kiku announced. Everyone cheered. Kiku smiled. The Honda family bowed at the residents.

"Ima, watashitaichiha karera no intai-go no sai shūshoku no oiwai o kaishi shinakereba narimasen!" Maria announces. She beamed a smile.

"Imasugu! San, ni, ichi.." Maria starts. She then shoot a thousand cherry blossoms.

"Let's begin!" Kuro shouts.

Everyone was now playing games, buying stuff and of course-drinking sake.
Kuro was drinking with Kiku and Takadatsu. Maria and Luka? They did not do anything. They only tell what happened to them in the past months.

"Really? You lost your memory?" Luka asked in disbelief. Maria nods.

"Hai. I did not realize I had amnesia. I
only knew about it when Kuro told me when it was my birthday. June 12." Maria explains. (And by the way, If you are ever going to read this story, Kuro and Kiku can hold their liquor so well. Keep that in mind.)

"Haha! I was so happy then!" Takadatsu replied-and he was obviously drunk. Maria sighed.

"When I first met Kuro, I thought he was a enemy. Of course, I had no idea that he was my nīsan."

"So..You do not remember Kuro then?"

"Yes, okaasan."

Hetalia: The New Generation {Hetalia Fanfic} [#Wattys2016]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt