Chapter 63: 千本桜

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Maria sighed. She then saw a hooded person coming towards Kiku and Kuro, but they were no match for him. They laid down at the grass, injured. Maria's now pink eyes glowed more, and her kimono transformed into her 千本桜 form. Her uniform was all white, except for the red circle at the long part of the sleeves, and it represented the flag of Japan. She was also wearing the medals Kuro gave her.
(Here's what the uniform looks like:

 (Here's what the uniform looks like:Original:

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Imagine Maria wearing it, she'll be fucking pretty

Oops! Questa immagine non segue le nostre linee guida sui contenuti. Per continuare la pubblicazione, provare a rimuoverlo o caricare un altro.

Imagine Maria wearing it, she'll be fucking pretty.)

"Standing on a guillotine.." The hooded person muttered.

"Is Maria Honda." Maria continued and jumped.
The hooded person smirked and pulls out a katana.

"He or she probably stole that." Maria thought to herself.
She pulls out her own katana. She removed her blue necklace, and it transformed into its own form. Maria bit it at her mouth and pulled another katana.

"T-Three katanas?!" The hooded person exclaimed. He or she then jumps to Maria and punched her.
Maria did not feel anything.

"Weak for a 千本桜 Sergeant?" Maria asked. Smirking, the Sergeant shot thousand cherry blossoms through the person's stomach.

"Your eyes. Why are they glowing?" The hooded person asked.

"I'll not tell you." She said. She kicks the person down and points her katana at his or her neck.

"Oshiete yo no kimi wa namae." Maria demanded. Maria's glowing pink eyes has hints of red.

"Tell my imotō your name and if you don't, she'll kill you." Kuro said, smirking. He held his injured arm. Kiku smiled. He was proud of her.

"Takadatsu Honda." The person muttered, removing the hood. Maria widens her eyes.

"O-Otosama..." Maria whispers. Takadatsu smiles.

"Sou. Boku wa, Takadatsu Honda. The leader of the Azuchi Samirais along with my wife, Luka Honda." Takadatsu said. Kuro has tears.

"G-Gomen ne..otosama.." Kuro apologized. He collapsed.

"Oh yeah..he killed them.." Maria realized. Takadatsu hugs his three children.

"It's alright. Your father is always here.."

Hetalia: The New Generation {Hetalia Fanfic} [#Wattys2016]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora