Chapter 41: The Keys

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All of them went outside. It was already dark, and the Japanese trio's eyes are glowing. They went to the forest and saw a cliff.
"That's the cliff." Kuro said, pointing to the cliff.
"This cliff's pretty high, eh?" Maria remarks. She walked two steps and turned her head.
"Let's go." she said, calmly.
"B-But who would help you?!" Kiku asks his sister in shock. Maria let out a quiet "heh".
"Me and Emil-san will find Li-san and Tino-san. Lovino-kun and Feliciano-kun will find the keys." Maria said. She paused, and her voice grew serious.
"The two keys that are found here at the water are Aquarius and Pisces. If you drowned, I would never forgive you. Got it?" The people going with her nodded. All of them went beside Maria, and jumped at the water.
"Wait- How can we breath here at the water?!" Emil asks. Maria smiles.
"Remember that my eyes glow when its night? My eyes also glow here at the water. Plus, I can breath underwater. If I'm with other people, the same effect will affect them, as well." Maria explained.
"Oh, ok." Feliciano says.
"Let's go find them."
Maria and Emil went to the bottom of the sea level, and found Li Xiao and Tino, still getting pulled deeper at the water's depths.
"Li Xiao!" Emil cried. He and Maria swam faster and faster until they reached them. Emil carried Li Xiao's unconscious body while Maria carries Tino's.
"Let's go back up." Maria suggests. She noticed Emil having tears dropping to Li Xiao's cheeks. They swam back up. Meanwhile, Lovino and Feliciano are still looking for the keys and suddenly Feliciano gasps and sees two sparkling gold-like objects.
"The keys!" he says. Both of them reached it, and studied their shape.
"It's-a very bella, fratello!~" Feliciano exclaims in wonder. Lovino smiled.
"Let's go-a back up, fratello. Maria and Emil had found their bodies." Feliciano nods. When they're back up, they discussed what they've found.
"It's very beautiful." Emil remarks. Maria agrees.
"Hai, it is indeed beautiful." Maria said. She looked up from the water, seeing Lukas. Maria nods, signaling that they found them. He was starting to cast some sort of spell and summoned cards. The way the cards were organized are like stairs. They stepped on the first one, and goes back up. Once back there, Maria and Emil laid down Tino and Li Xiao's bodies and the grassy floor. Emil still had tears at his eyes.
"Li Xiao..." he mutters quietly. He and Maria opened their shirts, only to see scars.
"W-What happened?" Maria muttered with shocked eyes. Emil was shaking, as well as the Swedish man.
"It's possible for the oni to grab them tightly and throw them at the water." Kiku muttered quietly. All of them nodded in agreement. As they speak, loud footprints was heard.
"This kusoyaro won't stop. I'm tired." Kuro said to himself. They heard a violin. As it went closer and closer, the Austrian was wearing green. His coat was green, and had a mark. It was not a heart; it was a club.
"My name is Roderich Eldenstein. The Ace Of Clubs." he said. His eyes glowed as well, but it was green, to match his mark. He saw the oni. He jumped and played his violin. Mostly his songs played at the violin are elegant, but now the melody was very dark. It made the oni deaf.
"The oni is deaf. Attack him." Roderich said, calmly, landing at his feet perfectly. At this moment, HRE arrived. He nodded to Kiku and Feliciano. This time, they were the ones who jumped.
"The Lost Memory!" they chanted in unison. All of them positioned their hands and red beam appeared in front of their hands. It shoots at the oni and landed at their feet. They heard gunshots. Roderich turns his head at the side, seeing the Swiss siblings, Lili and Vash.
"No more bullets, big brother!" Lili shouted. Both of them are wearing identical uniforms and white berets. Only Lili has a purple ribbon at her hair.
Vash clenched his teeth.
"This is the last time I'm seeing this monster!" he shouted.
Maria opens her bag and gets bandages. She wraps it around Tino's body. She throws it to Emil.
"Go." she simply said. He then wraps the bandage at Li Xiao's body. He heard someone groaning.
"B-Berwald..?" The Swedish man glanced at Tino, who had his eyes half open. You can even barely see his purple eyes. He ran over to the Finnish man, who looked really hurt. Berwald squeezed his hand tight.
"W-Where are we..?" he asks. Tino coughed.
"We're at a c'iff n'r the v'nue. A'e you ok?" he asks back. He nods weakly.
"C'n you st'nd?" he asks once again.
"K-Kyllä.." Tino whispers. At this point, Li Xiao coughed.
"Li Xiao!" Emil cried. He held him tight.
"Are you alright?" he asks. Li Xiao blinks and nods.
"Xiéxié, Emil, Maria." he whispers. Maria widens her eyes once more, but smiles
"Doitaishimashite, Li-san." She turns to Emil.
"Shoot the monster."
Emil lets go of Li Xiao, where Maria catches him, and stands up. He got his pistol and starts shooting the monster. Kiku, Kuro, Feliciano and Holy Rome stabbed the monster in unison. They let go of their swords, and the oni disappears. Maria wears her anbu[1] mask.
"Let's find the remaining 2ps in the shinobi way."
Holy crap, two ships in one chapter XD No, like, I'm serious. HongIce and SuFin. Both of my favorite ships. I have a WordPress, just like YandereDev...
"YandereDev! YandereDev!"
Midori. Shut up. He does not want one of your stupid questions. Anyways, What will happen at the next chapter?
1 - an anbu mask is used in a anime I used to love called Naruto. The ninjas sometime wear these masks to hide their identity.
BTW, if you're listening to the song "Lost Time Memory" or "The Lost Memory", anyone can get there reference used here. ^^ Bye!
~Admin Chelsea with Midori GURINUUU

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