Just Wait It Out?

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The air conditioner from the ceiling hit my face as soon as I woke up. My eyes still felt heavy and I realized it was Wednesday and I made plans with Julia for her to go to my house to watch a movie or something but it was  Wednesday, which meant Luke's band practice. My dry mouth slowly mouthed the words "Shit" while I still laid in bed. I wasn't really expecting much because Michael probably forgot about it. After about an hour of contemplating whether I should tell Julia I couldn't hang out or not I just decided it was better to have her over. So I did. I got out of my bed and opened my door to be hit with the sound of "Gotta Get Out". Luke was blasting out of his pink speakers I gave him a year ago for his birthday. I walked into Luke's room. We had school off that day for "Extremely Hot Weather Conditions" So of course Luke was playing his own music. Loudly. Alone. In his room.

"What are you doing? It's like 9:00am," I said with tired eyes.
"It's a good song..."
"Yeah I've heard about 2 Million times, Luke"
He turned up the volume more.
I left his room and slammed his door.

When I came out of his room I saw Mum standing with a glass of water in her hand
She just smiled. She was standing in front of all our family pictures.

"Liz!! Andrew!!" My older brother Jack yelled.
My Mum groaned and came back out of her room with Dad.

"Important news: I'm pregnant!" I heard Jack say.

I heard my Mum laugh and Dad just swatted his hand and shook his head when he exited the room.
"And how's that?" Mum asked.
"I read it on Wikipedia. I have all the side-effects. I'm 100% sure I'm pregnant, Liz" he said lifting both his hands.
"What are the side effects?" she asked snickering
"Hungry." He said looking up at her.
"And?" She asked again.
"Hungry. That's it, hungry."
"If you're asking me to make you something to eat you should've just said something," Mum said
"Yes, please" Jack said.
He followed her down the stairs.
"Points for creativity!" I added
He looked back and chuckled.

I went back in my room and texted Julia. "When are you coming over today?!"
"Sounds good!"
"Band practice?"
"Great! Just great! See you there,"

Band practice usually started at 5:00pm which was good timing since Mum and Dad work until 7:30pm but don't get back home until 8:00. Once they get home, Ashton, Calum,and Michael leave.

Ashton brought Julia over and Ashton stayed with Luke downstairs playing video games literally all day.

"I wanna ask Michael out but I know Ashton would freak out...what should i do?" Julia asked me hoping for a good answer

"I honestly don't know..." I said

"Just wait it out?" Julia asked again

"I guess,"

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