Chapter 15

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•Kayla's POV•

Harry has taken me on two different dates since the interview. On the last one he told me we wouldn't see each other for a whole because he had to go of shows in other countries. I would miss him terribly. He was the one thing good in my life. He was my happiness.

That was five days ago. Now I was sitting in my desk in English. Every now and then one of my classmates would turn around and look at me. It made me feel super uncomfortable. Today a girl in my class told me that Harry really didn't like me and management was probably using me for publicity. I knew it wasn't true, but it still hurt.
-just Kayla today:/
•Famous Lives
•Boy Confusion
-nothing from Harry cuz this part has nothing to do with him calling, texting, or being there. He's just not there at the moment. he'll show up again maybe next chapter idk.

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