Chapter 9

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•Kayla's POV•

This boy is full of surprises isn't he? I am so happy I want to scream out, Yes!, but I didn't."Sure! I'd love to!" "Great!" He looked at watch on his arm and looked back at me." We better get going, so your parents don't get freaked out." "Yeah, we probably should." I gave a small smile as we started to get out of the booth. On the way back we talked and laughed like we did at dinner. He was probably the funniest person I'd ever met. It wasn't the jokes he told, just the way he acted and stories he told. When we got to my house, he walked me to the front door. "Goodnight Kayla." He said with a smile. "Goodnight. Oh and thanks for dinner!" "Anytime!" He gave me a kiss on the cheek, said goodbye one more time, and was on his way. I walked inside to be greeted by a big hug from my mom. "How was the date?" "Great!" "Where'd he take you?" "Chili's" "Oh...really?" "Yeah. I'd actually liked it better than I would have if he did take me to some fancy restaurant." "Oh, that's good. So did ask you out for another one?" "Um...kind of. He asked me to be his girlfriend, so I guess yes?" She ran over to me with a big hug and smile. "I'm so happy for you!" "Thanks mom." With that I went upstairs and went to bed happy to know that someone liked me, and I was dating a nice guy.

•Harry's POV•

Well that was a relief! She said yes and again, I was and am the happiest man in the world. I am never going to hurt Kayla. She is the best thing that has happened to me.


Authors note:
Sorry mostly Kayla's POV, but I mainly wanted to focus on her on this chapter.

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