Chapter 14

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•Harry's POV•

All of us walked on stage with happy smiles and waves. The interviewer told us to sit on the couch which was always to small for us. We talked and answered questions laughing all the way through. I was laughing, but I was super nervous for the one big question.

Finally, the question came. "So, Harry." "Yep." "Who's this girl?" "That is Kayla." "She is really pretty." "She is very pretty." I didn't want to just blurt out that she's my girlfriend, but I couldn't find the right thing to say. The interviewer gave me a chance. Remind me to thank her later. "Is she just a friend, or are you a thing?" "Uh...." I laughed. "yeah um, she is my girlfriend." All I heard from the audience was gasps.

•Kayla's POV•

I watched the whole interview. After Harry answered the question, there were a chorus of gasps. I could tell the fans were surprised. I knew how the felt, shut out, and like there's no hope. No chance, to be with him. I felt it many if times. I was never one for bragging, but it felt good to be the person everyone wanted to be.

Right after the interview, I got a call. "Hello?" "Hey!" "Oh hey Harry! Your interview went well! I watched it!" "Thanks Kayla! I just needed to talk to someone. I was nervous about telling the fans and now I'm nervous about fans sending hate to you." "Harry, don't worry about me, I'll be fine." "I know babe, it's just I worry about you, and I know we haven't been together all that long, but..." "But what? Harry?" "But I love you. I love you, Kayla." I was completely star struck. I was stunned. "I-I-I love you too, Harry." I said as my eyes got watery.
-Read Boy Confusion and Famous Lives

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