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"Do it motherfucker, either you do it or I do and you die!" He spat at me screaming in my ear making my ears ring.

The gun shaking in my hand as I hesitated looking at her eyes filled with disappointment, anger and pity.

How did it get to this? Why didn't I listen? It's like in the blink of a second everything I knew was gone and it was all my fault. My only true friends, family and more I wish I would've chosen differently.

The stench of weed flared my nostrils as I looked at surroundings once more before knowing what I was going to do. The small warehouse surrounded with men my age or older. I knew I shouldn't have got into this but I walked straight into the Devils open arms. This was my punishment to choose my life or hers.

"Hurry the fuck up. I don't got all day T we got drops to make dumb ass." One of the other men I knew called out.

I knew what I had to do and with that I said a prayer to God to forgive him for what I was about to do. I turned the gun around facing me. There was nobody more that I hated right now than myself.

"Aye chill out nigga"
"Just shoot her."
Others began to cry out but I couldn't shoot her. Her beautiful hazel orbs, and skin that glowed. I looked down at her once more with a cloth around her mouth as tears slowly fell from her eyes. She didn't deserve any of this, not me, this lifestyle any of it. I was burden and I needed to set her free

"I love you."
I muttered my last words to her before pulling the trigger. I fell back into what seemed like a bottomless pit as my mind became a blur of white light. Around me I could hear her screaming and others cursing. Death wasn't how I thought it would be. It was slow, a little painful but I felt at peace.

I wanted to die. Hopefully God accepted me for all my sins. I choose to sacrifice my life for hers. My life meant nothing at this point. My body would be hidden and stuffed away somewhere.

I always dreamt I would make out of Hollygrove but I guess this was my only choice now.

"Take him to a hospital please." She cried sounding a bit muffled. She was over beside me as she struggled to untangle herself free.

"No are you stupid you knew how this worked girl. Not my fault you fell in love with some suicidal ass motherfucker." The one who ruined my life said.

"Why Terry? Why? Don't leave me!" The last few words I heard from her until it all went dark.

Surviving HollygroveWhere stories live. Discover now