Calm and easy footsteps came our way and the door behind us moved. A hand that had to be of a teacher motioned for us to get inside. I had an idea that came so quickly. I pushed Daniel inside while he made a grab motion at me silently while. Without even looking who was in that classroom, I got on the balls of my feet to head in other direction of the shooter. I heard Daniel hissing at me probably that if the shooter didn’t get me, he would.

What the hell was I doing?

I stayed on left side of the hall way keeping low and silent. I wanted to find Jake. Needed to find Jake. Maybe it was selfish of me to think that way. I wanted to see if he was alive. But then I got close to answer. 

Andrea Keller, dead. As for how long ago I couldn’t tell. I continued on listening to the gunshots I could hear near and far. It sounded like there were five shooters. This was much worse than I thought. 

An arm grabbed at my leg and I almost kicked it off when I found a girl I think was named Katie under a body of one Nick or Nikko. Her eyes looked swollen but she kept herself in control as she continued holding on to my leg. I turned around and knelt down by her while listening for any thing.

“Did you call the police?” she barely whispered. “It all happened too quickly. We froze. People started to run. It just didn’t feel real.”

The look on her face was devastating that it even brought me close to tears. Her boyfriend I think was shot while he must have been protecting her. There was his blood smeared on her face and her leg appeared to have been shot. She was panting hard with her body in both types of pain.

“Yeah, yeah,” I told her.

Now I was real scared. I tried to question her with my eyes but knowing the answer might be too hard to accept. She stared back at me. Then I could hear the police sirens. I grabbed her under her arms to pull her out trying to block her view. This girl was starting to fall to pieces again. If that happened it would risk myself doing the same.

“Listen to me,” I said in a sound soft as taking a breath, “I’m going to help find you a place to hide right now. Can you help me?”

She nodded her head with her eye’s barely open from the pain.

I lifted her up and she groaned from the pain her leg. This was a bad idea. I let her back down against the lockers continuing to block her view. Picking her up would only cause her more pain which would mean noise, then I didn’t want to think past that. She was on the same page as I was because she continued to cooperate with me. 

Her teeth grinded together form the pain.

I looked around for anything that I do to help her.

“I’m not going to leave you,” I told her, “But I am going to drag you a bit if that’s ok. You‘re a strong girl.”

She nodded her head with her eye’s closed now. For the second I moved she must have seen her boyfriend dead just then.

So I pulled her along while watching our backs hoping this wouldn’t leave any trace of our passage. The police sirens sounded closer now and I heard more running. I froze to catch where it was coming from. It was up ahead. I looked side to side at some of the open classroom doors. There were more dead bodies some faces I knew. Gary being the one I had known best. My heart felt like it was just squeezed.

“CHARLES DON’T!” Someone yelled at the top of their lungs.


A scream, falling pieces of ceiling, running, and silence again.

I didn’t move unsure of what to do next when I heard the sirens were a lot closer now. And then as if on cue a full five rounds went off one by one. Then it was like the danger in the air suddenly uplifted. Surely other emotions would rise.

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