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Beauty is something deep within,
Not on your skin, and not how thin you are,beauty is inside of you,and all around you.

The next morning after breakfast I ran downstairs in my new white dress my father got my for my birthday,it went to my knees and had flowers imprinted on it. I also had on my church shoes. "Where are you off to,looking all lovely?" Mother asked me,"I'm going off to spend time with Sebastian and the others." I smiled and mother had a glint in her eye,"I see,well why don't you invite them over for dinner. Your father is fetching us some fruit and a ham. I'm making roasted ham and fruit pie for dinner." I froze in place,I can't ask them for dinner! They can't come back here! I thought to myself,"Uh,I would mother,but I um,I don't think they can." I explained,"Oh nonsense! You will invite then over. I want to meet them,especially, Sebastian." She winked. I sighed,"Alright, yes mother." I walked out and hurried off into the forest unseen.

It was unusual though,because the boys weren't were we normally meet. I shrugged it off and walked farther in,looking for the trail that leads to their house. I found it and started walking along it. I looked around,noticing the leaves were even more green than before. I arrived at their house and noticed roses were now on the vines,"Strange.." I though aloud to myself and walked up to the front door,knocking,"Sebastian? Emerson? Remington?" I called out,shortly after Emerson opened the door,"Hello,Liza. Come in." He stepped aside. Each of them had a different nickname for me,Remington called me Eliza,Emerson Liza,and Sebastian called me darling. I called them Remmy,Emmy,and Sebby.

We walked into the front room,it was furnished with wine red chairs and a couch. "Why weren't you all at the opening? And where's Sebby and Remmy?" I asked as we sat down,my on the two person couch and Emerson in the big lounge chair,"We're sorry,Liza,Sebastian and Rem had to do something and I didn't want to go alone." He explained,"Oh,okay. It's fine." I smiled.

We sat for ages it seemed talking about the little animals we would see and he told me the leaves were greener and there were roses on the vines because he did a nature spell the other night. "That explains it. I was thinking it was rather strange." He chuckled and nodded,"Yeah,I thought the forest could have more color,for it seemed to be dulling out again. Anyways,would you care to see my drawings?" He asked,"Drawings? You draw?" I asked him,I never heard of a boy drawing before,"Yes. So would you?" I nodded and we got up,and I followed him to a small room. "Oh my!" I gasped at the sight. All around were beautiful drawing and writing. It was astonishing.

(Just a few of Emerson's drawings, featuring Emerson)

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(Just a few of Emerson's drawings, featuring Emerson)

"They're amazing!" I gawked at them, looking and reading them,"But..what's the void?" I looked at him,"It talks a lot about something called the void." Emerson smiled,"Thank you,and the Void is life." He answered,"Oh." I smiled and continued looking around.
After a few moments of Emerson explaining some drawings,we heard the front door open and people walk in,"Emerson! We're home!",I heard Remington shout. We walked out and into the front room where they were sat,"Oh,hello darling!" Sebastian smiled,"Hello,Sebby." I smiled,blushing at the memory of last night,"Hey Eliza!" Remington chimed in,"Hello,Remmy!" I greeted. I sat down next to Sebastian who was sat on the same couch I was earlier, Remington in Emerson's earlier chair,and Emerson on a couch that looked like a cot.

"So what are we doing today?" I asked,"I thought we'd just sit and chat. " Sebastian smiled. "Okay sounds good.." I then remembered what my mother said,"Um..I have a question." Remington laughed,"When do you not have one?" He was like the Rose out of our group of friends. "Well,my mother she uh,knows about you all. Not who you are,well she does but not that you are the lost boys,but your names and stuff,and I was told to invite you all to dinner. But I know you all can't."

Sebastian smiled,"We would love too!". My head shot up,"What?" I looked at him,"Well,it has been years since we all have actually went out in the day time there. Why not?" He said,The others agreeing. "oh..okay. Well dinner doesn't start until 6,so we have plenty of time." I told them.

We spent the day drinking tea,eating cookies,and watching Emerson draw along with talking and laughing at the jokes Remington would say.

Once it was time to go to dinner,I got nervous. "I can feel that you're tense,darling. Is everything alright?" Sebastian asked as we walked,"Yes,I'm just nervous. Mother is very,um excited to meet you all. Especially you." I said quietly. "Why especially me?" He asked,"Well,she thinks you're all charming,but I uh,she asked me if I liked any of you,and I said I liked you.." I whispered the last part. Sebastian chuckled as we walked out of the opening,"You do?" I blushed,"Yes.","Well I admire you,as well."

To be continued in the next chapter

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