Chapter Nineteen- Poor Evan

Start from the beginning

What if they'll try and set me up to someone like their business partners sons or something?

God! No....

Just then, Marissa—my god of angel—who literally saved my life, came with our breakfast.

I relaxed a little, taking in a long breath, "Oh, god! I almost forgot, I have a meeting with Mr. Black about the formal dance. I really should go..." I grabbed an apple from the food tray situated in the centre of the table, as I lied to them.

I never had that kinda talk especially in front of dad! What was mom thinking?!! We're not those kinda families who share every giddy details with each other. We never had!

"But—" Mom tried to speak.

"We'll talk later. I promise." I told, faking a smile and looked back at dad who just nodded.

"Okay, I'll just grab the car keys first." Marissa said, disappearing quickly.

I sighed in relief, as I felt my muscles relax under my skin once I was securely hopped into the car.

Marissa started the engine and hit the road. We were nearby my school street when she thought to speak.

"How is your friend?" She queried, edgily. I couldn't figure out if Pun was intended to be on Your or Friend? But, wherever it was meant to be, I surely blushed.

"I guess so." I looked sideways to see her smile forming.

She nodded.

"So, should I pick you after school?"

I was still grounded. It just has been two days since the dad scene. Obviously, she had to come pick me up or... somehow, magically, dad has changed his mind—which would never happen. Ever!

"Yes. But, could you come a little later. Like six, maybe?" I asked, looking around my school building, my eyes trailed around to spot a yellow truck. But, I only got disappointment.

I looked back at her when she didn't respond and halted the car close to a curb. I knew what she was thinking with those eyes on me, "No... I'm not staying for anyone in particular. I just have late hours work to do for the dance." I told, hoisting up my handbag.

She smiled, "I wouldn't mind." She shrugged and I returned her a warm smile.

"Thank you, Marissa." I added, "For everything." I closed the door and crouched down to look at her.

She passed me her cute smile, "My pleasure, Ms. Michelle. I'll pick you up at 6 then." I nodded and turned around to enter the school building.

All eyes were doing what they were meant to do. Which was minding their own business. Everyone seemed pretty engrossed in themselves other than few people like Aria and her friends.

Really? Not now...

She strode in front of me with a smug smile hanging on her flawless face, stopping me in my tracks. Her two minions ogling me head to toe. Creepers! They were just like the girls from Mean girls movie.

"Get out of my way!" I spoke, taking a step forward.

She shook her head.

I rolled my eyes.

"What do you want, Andrew?" I questioned, crossing my arms over my chest and letting her know I wasn't interested in being one of her toy friends!

"I missed the feisty you... Reynold." She smirked taking one more step towards me. Her blonde hair wrapped  in a messy ponytail on top of her head looked as if she never bothered to kempt her hair.

By then, everyone was watching our new morning episode—which will, not to forget, make their day full of gossips. They really should thank me to make their lives more entertaining, enough to live.

I scrutinised her slutty peacock coloured dress which barely covered her mid-thighs in the month of November. Why wasn't she frozen to death already?

"I know what you're thinking, Reynold."

"Oh, really? What are you psychic?"

"Maybe or maybe not!"

I sighed in exasperation. "If you've nothing to do in the world, others do." I passed her my sarcastic smile.

"Oh, yeah... You just reminded me to go shopping for the Dance."

"Good!" I raised my brows, "Leave..."

She giggled. The fake one.

I was really getting late for my class. Should I just punch her in the face and get away?


"Fine... I won't tale much of your time. Let me just simply congratulate you."

I raised my brow.

"For kicking your ass?"

"Funny! I couldn't seem to comprehend how Justin manages with you... But," she placed her finger on her cheek, "that's none of my business is it?"

"Perfect! You came to your senses. Now, get out of my way before I really kick your ass." I fumed, nose flaring with anger.

"Not so soon darling." One of her minion said, smirking.

'Elle, control. Please don't kill her now!'

"I'm not here to play your dirty tricks. So, you better walk out of my way before I make you move." I repeated myself, dropping my hands by my sides, with the most uninterested look on my face.

"Oh... I'm scared. But, being the bitch I'm, I have to say, what you did was great. You finally took the revenge you should have taken long ago! Why waited so long?" She spoke, amused. I looked at her, blankly. I had no idea what she was talking about.


"Aria..." I fumed her name with more than anger, as I grabbed her by the arm to whisper in her ear, "You better get out of my way right now or I'm gonna have to tell everyone what I saw in the couch's room on Friday after school hours."

I pulled away to look at the look on her face. Trust me, it was absolutely million dollar worth it. All the blood drained off her face, leaving it dead pale.

She stepped back, eyeing me in unbelievable surprise. Not in a good way. Well, would it be good if I caught her making out with the coach?

"Whatever, it's none of my business what you did to poor Evan." She spoke and hurried away with her minions like I will stab her with the knife, she if didn't run.

Okay, maybe I would have.


Evan? What did I do to him other than helping him? And, when did he became Poor Evan for her?

What the hell is going on?

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