Kenny-"me done eating"

Katoya-"okay give me the plate"

I got his plate and sat it in dish washer and got my keys and phone

Katoya-"kenny come on"


He came out the door and he got in the car I buckled him in and I got in. We pulled off.
**45 Mins**

We pulled up at school

Katoya-"Today your going to have a good day"

Kenny-"yes ma'am"

He smiled and we got out and went in"hello there hi kenny"

Katoya-"hello and I will be picking him up early today""okay well see you later"

Kenny-"mommy I don't wanna go"

I got down to his level his lip started to quiver

Katoya-"baby you need to be here so you can be smart mommy will be back to get you"

I wiped his tear that fell. I hate seeing my baby like this

Kenny-"otay I love you"

Katoya-"I love you too"

He gave me a kiss and hugged me."come on kenny"

He let go and left. I walked out and got in car. I went by the grocery store to get Nathaniel some things. I pulled up to his house and got out with groceries and went in. I walked in his kitchen and got out his blender and stuff. I'm just going to make some home remedies I got some ice, honey,1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and water I put all in the blender I let that mix into a smoothie and I got him some Advil I grabbed a grocery bag and I pured the smoothie in a glass then went to his room.


He opened his eye's he was laying in bed with just his boxer's on and sweating.

Katoya-"come on sit up"

He slowly rised up. I put everything down on his night stand and sat on his bed when I felt his forehead it was hot and sweaty. I went in his bathroom and got a cold rag and sat it on his head. I opened up a thermometer

Katoya-"open your mouth"


Katoya-"come on"

He shook his head

Katoya-"well at least can I get a kiss"

Nathaniel-"of course

He leaned in and I stuck the thermometer in his mouth. He looked at me I do kenny the same way I laughed

Katoya-"you got a slight fever it's 102"

Nathaniel-"how can I get rid of it"

I grabbed the smoothie

Katoya-"here drink this and take these two pills"

Nathaniel-"what's in the drink"

Katoya-"Boy don't worry about it just do it"

He put the pills in his mouth and drunk the drink

Nathaniel-"that was nasty"

Katoya-"but it works"

Nathaniel-"it t better because if it don't we going to fight"

My P.H.A.T Dangerous LifeWhere stories live. Discover now