Men were a disgrace to this world.

"You'd think he was adopted," I mumbled and even my father sent him a disapproving glance.

Fawad was only a year older than me but his 6ft height made him tower over me like a giant. He was tall slim built and a little too energetic at his big age of 28. His short but neatly styled dark brown hair stuck up in different directions today, he clearly wasn't ready to tackle whatever problems the day would throw at him.

Fawad was a carbon copy of Papa. From his warm chocolate coloured eyes and long sharp nose and rigid bone structure. Just like Papa, he preferred to be clean-shaven. However, his personality was far from our fathers.

Fawad was a complicated mixture of different personalities all in one. He enjoyed reading, singing, dancing, being loud and completely obnoxious. He was the jokester of the house and would break out into a song whenever it suited him really.

Today, however, he looked tired and his face showed signs of sleepless nights. As if reading his mind, papa spoke up.

"Fawad I need you in the office today. I have had several complaints about your absence in the office for months"

Papa was serious, the coldness in his tone didn't waver once. My eyes darted between Fawad and Papa, Fawad stiffened and froze. The spoon of rice clunked back into his plate and he clenched his jaw. His hands on the table were scrunched into a fist and his knuckles were slowly turning white.

"You're no longer a child Fawad." 

Papa's tone held annoyance but more so disappointment.

"How do you expect me to trust you with the family business when you behave like a child at this big age. Stop fooling around with your time pass hobbies and please focus on the family business."

"Have you ever considered that maybe I don't want your stupid family business." 

Oh my, this was getting rather heated. My eyes darted between both father and son, it was pin drop silent. I'm sure you could hear the frantic beating of my heart and blood rushing through my ears at this point. 

My eyes scanned both of their firm postures and I internally felt deep sorrow for both. Papa was always so busy, he hardly got time to sit with his own family and Fawad had been dumped into a business he did not want any part in.

I knew it wasn't Papas fault but his attention and duty were to his political party, not to his family. Dinners and breakfasts were not always eaten as a family, in fact, it was quite rare when Papa made an appearance at the dining table or family lounge.

This ridiculously large house felt so quiet and empty and there was only so much warmth and love me and my two brothers could give. Everything had fallen apart after my mother's death, it was a shock to us all.

However, Papa had been affected the most. They truly loved each other so very much, I could never imagine the pain he must be going through. He had vowed to my mother that he would never dig deep into politics and make a name so big for him that his family would be forgotten. Sorrow had taken over him, his family did lay forgotten and he had decided to numb his pain by allowing his life to be consumed with work and exhaustion.

One more term and the devotion to his team would be finished, is the only statement that kept me strong and stable. He would return back to being our father.

I brushed off my trousers and stood up from the table, both their heads snapped up to me and I smiled widely.

"I'll be off to the hospital, it was nice seeing you at the table, Papa. Maybe I'll see you for dinner week?" I joked and Papa rolled his eyes a playful smile making its way onto his face. However, I knew there was a hint of sadness in his eyes and I felt guilt seep into me for the cheeky remark.

His Heartless Soul (Under Major Editing and re-writing)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora