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Two days. Two days in a row. Rick had to ask himself if it was possible that maybe he would get a third note since it was the third day. Would his secret admirer really go as far as to give him a note once a day? If they had planned on doing that, Rick wondered when he would get it. The day was passing by and now he was following along in his english textbook, his mind a million miles away from the anonymous admirer. He was reading Hamlet and secretly loving every minute of it. He was knee deep in the classic literature.

He was loving it so much that he got lost in the words. So lost that he almost didn't notice when Morgan Jones tapped his shoulder. He looked up from the words then smiled at his friend. "Hey Morgan, what's up?"

"I hate to bother you since you're enjoying your book but you've got something attached to your chair."

Rick's brows furrowed as he turned around to look at the back of his chair. Another heart shaped sticky note. Suddenly all of the hamlet he read went out the window and his attention was back to the anonymous lover he had.

He pulled the note off of his chair and thanked Morgan for pointing it out to him. He then kicked the chair next to him. That's where Daryl was sitting, well.. sleeping. He should have been reading too, but he dismissed that idea right away. Apparently Shakespeare made Daryl tired.

"I got another one." He said as Daryl rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. He showed him the heart shaped paper and even Daryl showed signs of curiosity.

"What's this one say?" He leaned in to listen.

Rick glanced back at the note and read it in a low voice so that only he and Daryl could hear what it said.

"Just like Shakespeare, you've got a way with words. I hope one day you tell me the three words I want to hear the most."

Sticky HeartsWhere stories live. Discover now