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Michonne and Rick separated the second they got into class. Michonne went to the back of the class room and sat at her usual seat. Next to Sasha but right in front of Glenn. Rick went to his seat in the front row and took his usual seat next to Carol and right in front of Daryl. Rick made Daryl sit in the second row in all their classes because Daryl hated the first row but he knew if Daryl took the back row he wouldn't pay any attention and would just fall asleep. In short, Rick was just looking out for his best friend.

"You two finally dating yet?" Daryl asked as Rick slipped into his seat and opened up his text book. Daryl was constantly teasing Rick about his crush on Michonne. While he did tease him often, he wasn't one to reveal his friend's secrets. He made sure that Michonne had no idea that Rick spent most of his time drooling over her.

Rick let out a small laugh as he turned around to his face both Daryl and Carol, who always told Rick to confess his feelings to Michonne. Of course he never listened to her. There was a smirk on Daryl's face and even Carol wore a smug expression. He rolled his eyes at the two before looking back at his book. He didn't need to hear any of their wise cracks today.

"You know we're not. She doesn't even like me." Rick skipped through pages until he ended up a page 803. The first page to chapter eight, which they would be studying for the week. Something about communism or whatever. He wasn't sure and he didn't really care.

Carol smiled to herself as she watched Rick read his text book to himself. "You never know how she feels Rick. Not until you ask her or you say something."

Rick waved off the comment as he scanned the pages in front of him. He went over every word until he noticed a heart shaped sticky note attached to one of the open pages. He pulled it off, careful not rip the textbook page. Once it was completely off, he examined it with curiosity in mind. He read it quietly to himself:

"One of my favorite things about you are the curls in your hair. One day if I'm lucky enough. I will get to run my hands through those curls while you lay gently in my arms. Until then, I'll always have my dreams."

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