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"It is too early for this.." Rick Grimes thought to himself as he dug through his school locker for a textbook. All he wanted to do was grab his things and go to class. And that was saying a lot since he hated his first class. He didn't much like any of his classes, but the fact that he was willing to rush off to one of them was a big thing.

The only reason he wanted to get to class so badly was because of a girl. No, no, it's not what you think. It's not like this girl made his heart skip a beat, his palms sweaty or stayed in his head all day. Nope, it wasn't like that at all. It was more like, she scared the heck out of him.

And who was this girl that scared Rick Grimes so much? And why? The girl was none of other than miss popular herself, Jessie Anderson. Her locker was right across from his and Rick thought if he had his back turned any longer she would have a knife ready for him. Jessie Anderson scared the heck out of Rick Grimes because she liked him. I know, I know.. that should be flattering, right? Well, it would be.. if he liked her back.

He could feel her eyes on him at that very moment. They were piercing his soul. More like burning his soul. Those were the kind of eyes that you were suppose to look into and forget about the world around you and just lean in and kiss and your heart would flutter for as long as it could. But Rick couldn't do that or feel that. He didn't understand why, neither could his friends. Well, except Daryl Dixon who said Jessie wasn't much to look at or listen to. So, at least his best friend agreed.

Jessie Anderson had been secretly crushing on Rick for a long time. In fact, it wasn't much of a secret. Not a secret at all, unless it was. Then she was bad at keeping that hidden. The feelings just weren't mutual though and Jessie couldn't really accept that. So what was she left to do? Hate Rick until somehow that hate made him love her. It made zero sense but that seemed to be her logic.

There was no doubt that Jessie was beautiful or smart or kind. It was just that none of her good qualities appealed to Rick. They definitely appealed to other guys. Many of the guys at school had eyes for Jessie. Rick had eyes for another girl.

Rick sympathized with the blonde though. The girl he had feelings for didn't share his feelings either. It broke his heart but, he could live with it. The girl wasn't his girlfriend but at least she was his friend.

And speaking of the girl..

"You've been in that locker for a while now, you missing something?"

Rick nearly bumped his head moving out of his locker. He hoped she hadn't noticed, she most likely did though, because she noticed almost everything. Especially if that everything had to do with him. "Oh, uh.." he quickly pulled out his history text book. "I got it." He smiled.

"Good," Michonne beamed right back at him. Now that made his heart skip a beat.

Rick closed his locker, feeling Michonne gently tug at his arm. "Gimme." Her favorite thing to say around him. He obeyed and let her have his arm, linking hers with his.

They smiled at each other once again, then proceeded to walk to their first class together.

"I could get used to this.." Rick thought to himself.

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