Part XII

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"We need to talk, Lisa."

Keith said seriously, looking at his sullen sister currently just staring into her coffee cup. The younger woman, having heard her brother, looked at him and frowned forlornly.

"What do you want to talk about?" she asked, resignation in her voice.

"I want to talk about you. Specifically, I want to talk about your feelings," Keith said, leaning back on his chair and giving his sister yet another measuring gaze. "Tell me, Lisa. What was that all about?"

Lisa started drumming her fingers on the table, creating a soft yet annoying rapping noise. She took calming breaths to ease up on her nervousness.

"What was what all about?" She asked dumbly, making Keith sigh in frustration.

"Lisa, you know I love you. And you're like the best sister ever. I want you to know that I will support you no matter what and that I will always look after you," Keith leaned over and had a solemn expression on his handsome face as he put a hand gently on Lisa's shoulder. "—but sister, I need you to tell me what the hell was that last night? Clearly, what I saw between you and Jaimee meant something."

"Keith, I appreciate it, but it was nothing. It was just Jaimee," Lisa explained insistently as if she was not only convincing Keith but also herself. She couldn't look at her brother in the eye, knowing that if she did, she will betray herself.

"I don't appreciate bullshit, Lisa. Please don't do this. Don't lie," Kieth pleaded with worry in his eyes.

Lisa shook her head.

"Keith, don't," she put a hand on Keith's shoulder and lightly pushed him back. "Don't make me say it."

"I can't let you do this, Lisa! I can't let you marry Jillian when I know you're still clearly in love with Jaimee!"

Lisa was taken back by the fierceness and the honesty in her brother's words. She took a metaphorical step back and tried to take in the frustrated Kieth.

"Lisa, you're the smartest person I know. Your world revolves around logic and science and physical quantities. You analyze everything like it's some sort of cell you're culturing. But baby sister, love is not supposed to be thought over," Keith dramatically explained. "Love isn't meant to be rationalized."

"Love is a choice. It's just like all the other choices we have at life— all the more reason for it to be thought over and critically analyzed to avoid making the wrong decisions."

"Did you choose to fall in love with Jaimee then? Because it doesn't seem that way to me."

"Keith, please..." Lisa almost begged.

"No," Keith insisted. "You need to get this inside that stubborn brain of yours. You know what you have to do. You're just too afraid to acknowledge it."

"No, I don't. Besides, I've already chosen. I've chosen a long time ago."

"You didn't. You still have a chance to fix this, Lisa. And It's kind of my job to make sure that you don't regret whatever it is that you choose. Please, think about it well. Jillian and Jaimee love you. They both respect you and know that you are an outstanding young woman. Both of them deserve a chance to be considered as a possibility."

"Jillian is perfect for me..." Lisa breathlessly muttered, tears threatening to fall. "I love her."

Keith reached across the table and held Lisa's hand in assurance. "I know that. Jillian knows that. Everyone knows that. You're set to get married in a month!"

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