Part IV

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"Say what now?" Lisa asked again, not so sure if she heard Jaimee say what she think she said.

Jaimee smiled brightly, "I want to take you out on a date."

Lisa scoffed and went to her buggy, pushing it toward the general direction of the public library.

"You must be crazy to ask that question. And you must be absolutely, positively insane if you think that I will say yes after all you've done to me."

Jaimee jogged to catch up with Lisa.

"So is that a no?"

"Yes," Lisa deadpanned.

"Yes?!" Jaimee asked excitedly, getting a rise out of the girl.

"Yes," Lisa answered again, before realizing that she was being played like a fiddle.

Jaimee pumped her fist in the air.

"Yes! So it's settled then. We are going on a date," Jaimee remarked eagerly before grabbing Lisa's buggy and pulling it to the direction of the nearest restaurant she saw.

Lisa struggled, but she didn't want to risk damage to their delivery buggy so she settled on threatening Jaimee.

Jaimee, however, paid it no mind. Her mind is all jumbled up and fuzzy from the excitement of finally taking Lisa out on a date. It didn't take long when a realization came crashing down at her.

She forgot her wallet.

Out of all the things she could have forgotten: shades, cellphone, even underwear for christ sake. But no, Jaimee had to forget her wallet. If she wasn't wearing her shades and didn't have expensive makeup on, she probably would've facepalmed.

Jaimee turned around slowly, noticing Lisa's worried expression to why her spirits suddenly dropped.

"I forgot my wallet," came Jaimee's heartfelt confession.

The smaller girl was silent for a while until she hung her head.

Jaimee not wanting to disappoint the girl, panicked, "I-I can still call for the staff to bring it to me! We can go wherever you like," Jaimee explained like a fool until she saw the small girl's shoulders bobbing up and down. And what came next pleasantly surprised Jaimee.

It was Lisa's laughter.

And it was beautiful.

"You people rely too much on money. You can still have fun without spending anything," Lisa explained and pushed her buggy to where she was headed originally.

"Follow me," Lisa instructed Jaimee when she saw the cheerleader still staring at her.

A little flushed from how the things turned out, Jaimee followed Lisa quietly. She observed the girl secretly and couldn't help but fall a little bit deeper for her, even if she didn't want to.

They found themselves in front of a public library, and Jaimee felt excited all over again. Despite her many inadequacies, she loves to read and it's one of her ways to escape her problems. Sure, she liked to play music, dance, and occasionally bully someone just for sport, but reading held a special place in her heart.

They both entered through the door and Lisa immediately went to Kelly the friendly librarian.

Lisa greeted Kelly shyly. She's a regular and the staff had known her ever since she was a little girl. She also seems to be their only customer today.

"Hi Kelly, do you have something new for me?" Lisa asked.

Kelly smiled at both of them briefly before handing Lisa a stack of books.

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