Part IX

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Lisa was roused by the jarring sound of her cellular phone ringing like crazy. She heard someone beside her groan and turn in their sleep. She herself groaned and blindly grasped for the annoying thing on her bedside table.

"Turn it offfff..." she heard Jillian mumble.

Finally, she grasped it and put it on her ear.

"Hello... This is Lisa Anderson-Hallin," she croaked out huskily.

"Dr. Hallin. This is Theodore Connor," a deep voice with a British accent greeted her. "I called to remind you that you have a meeting at one with the prospect investor for the Planet Green project."

"And you woke me up just to tell me that? Theodore, I haven't slept in two days," she complained and she heard Jillian giggle beside her, now fully awake as well.

"Miss Lisa, I don't mean to be rude, but it's already ten a.m."

That made Lisa open her eyes and only then notice that their room was already bright even without drawing the curtains. She internally sighed and thanked Theodore for the wake-up call before ending the conversation.

"Honey," she called out to the person under all the covers. "We overslept. I have a meeting at one and you have a yoga class at 12:30."

Then, Jillian peeked from under the covers, everything covered except her eyes.

"But I want to stay in bed all day. Can you ditch the meeting?"

Lisa laughed softly before leaning in and kissing Jillian on the forehead.

"We both know that I can't. This is very important to me and I have to convince this investor that their money will be in good hands. Now get up and let's cook breakfast."

Lisa gave Jillian a final kiss on the nose before getting up, picking her discarded sleeping shorts from the foot of the bed. She heard someone whistle and glanced back at the bed to find Jillian checking her out. She blushed, picking up Jillian's shirt and flinging it back to the bed, covering Jillian's eyes.

Smiling, she got out of the room and went into the kitchen to prepare their breakfast. They haven't had a weekend off like this for a while. On the rare occasions that they did, they usually spend all day in bed.

She was putting blueberries in the pancake batter when she felt arms wrap around her and soft lips on her cheek. She smiled, her heart warming.

"I'll finish the pancakes. Can you please make me coffee? Your coffee is great," Jillian nuzzled her neck and took the spoon from her.

"How can my coffee be great?" Lisa asked, going over to the coffee pot and poured freshly brewed coffee on two mugs. "I make it the same way you make it—two creams, one sugar."

"Well, I know for a fact that it is made out of love," Jillian grinned. "And besides, food made by others will always taste better."

Lisa smiled, finishing their coffees and putting it on the table. They had breakfast peacefully, and while Jillian did the dishes, Lisa showered and prepared for her meeting. She has to be at their office at twelve and make sure everything has been set.

"Babe, I'll be going now," she called out to the big lump who was currently devouring a whole bag of Doritos on the couch.

"Be careful! I don't want anything to happen to my wife."

That made Lisa smile bashfully. "Ahem. Dr. Summers, we're not married yet," she playfully reminded.

"In a month we will be," Jillian replied, her attention still on her chips but Lisa can see her smiling.

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