Now You Have Me Ranting About Tiny Things

67 19 27

Shadana this is ur doing

because I fucking love pocket-sized characters

I actually do have Mark Syndrome™ in which I love tiny things

(( not to be confused with things such as infants, I'm talkin about things like Legos— //shot because I've been playing too much Lego SW ))

Just imagine a tiny version of your favourite character, so tiny they can ride on your shoulder

Isn't that fuckin adorable?


Yes it is

Don't lie to yourself

~~Imaaaaaaaaaagine tiny Star Wars characterssssssss~~

• Ren would probably be that little asshole who tries to bite ur finger or something while you're not looking

• Hux is pissed because he can't reach anything or plan anything or boss people around because tiny vocal cords = tiny voice and this man cannot fathom what it is to not be heard

Just listen to the fuckin speech

He's loud

Just a smol part of it but you get the gist

• I don't think Phasmom would mind as much, though like Hux, not being 100% in charge because of the change might not be the best

• Tiny Rey would be just as much of a kickass cinnamon bun, just with more adorability

• same goes for Tiny Finn

• p sure Tiny Poe would be cool as long as you had a little remote control airplane or something and rigged it so he could fly it himself

• I cannot bring myself to imagine Tiny-taka or I might die

• Tiny Chewie would be like having a really loud hamster


• Tiny Rylo would refuse to wear anything that was remotely related to Barbie, insisting on having tiny versions of his own clothes. Just to prove a point to Kylo

• Tiny Kyle is in a constant state of panic because he doesn't want to be stepped on, even if he's not on the floor

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